The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) provides clinical assessment, treatment and services for service members, their intimate partners, and family members involved in allegations of domestic abuse and child abuse. The goal of the Family Advocacy Program is to prevent domestic violence by encouraging people to examine their own behavior and take steps to learn and practice healthier behaviors. The FAP provides a variety of interventions and treatment services to meet the needs of individuals and families. It provides counseling, clinical case management, treatment groups, and refers families to military and civilian resources as appropriate.
When abuse does occur, the FAP works to ensure the safety of victims and helps military families overcome the effects of violence and change destructive behavior patterns. FAP staff members are trained to respond to incidents of abuse and neglect, support victims, and offer prevention and treatment. Professional services of licensed counselors are available free of charge at Fleet and Family Support Centers. These are available to active duty and their family members – even Sailors who are unmarried can have couple’s counseling with their partners.
A variety of courses that teach healthy relationship skills are also available at FFSCs. These include anger management and conflict resolution. These are also free and available to both active duty and spouses.
Victims must have access to protection, care and support. Interventions are needed to ensure safety. Services are available for victims including assisting with protection orders, accompaniment to court, and safety planning. Support is also available to non-offending parents in child abuse cases.
If you think you may be a victim of domestic abuse, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE or visit your installation Fleet and Family Support Center for information on available resource. Learn more about the FAP Resources & Training available.
Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth (PSB-CY)
In response to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 (Public Law 115-232, Section 1089), FAP’s role was expanded to provide supportive services to military families in response to problematic sexual behavior in children and youth. The primary goals of FAP PSB-CY are education, safety and support, clinical assessment and treatment.
The response system for PSB-CY is different than from how the FAP responds to child abuse and neglect and domestic abuse. PSB-CY incidents are managed by the Multidisciplinary Team (MDT in order to assess risk, address safety needs, and to coordinate service and support for all children and family members involved.
Most children and youth who demonstrate concerning sexual behaviors, or who have been impacted by these behaviors, respond well to informed parent support, increased guidance and supervision and evidence-based treatment programs.
If you have any concerns about your child’s behavior, the FFSC offers a range of resources and services you can use to encourage your child’s healthy development, boundaries and interactions with others. The FAP PSB-CY also provides parent engagement to improve and strengthen the parent and child relationship, empower parents with skills and resources, to inform parents of what to expect at each step of the CCR, and to apply safety, monitoring and supervision rules in the home and community.
Your FAP representative, as well as members of the MDT, are committed to support you and your child throughout this process. You can find your installation’s representative HERE.
Resources: Military One Source: https://go.usa.gov/xtKQ9
Updated 6 February 2025