MyNavyHR SAPR Resources DoD SAPR
The U.S. Navy's Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) program is designed to meet the needs of victims. Services are available to victims regardless of whether the victim knows the offender, and regardless of where and when the assault took place.
Sexual assaults encompass a broad range of intentional sexual contacts that are unwelcome and without consent. The most serious sexual assaults, include rape, sodomy, and forced forms of sex. No form of sexual assault is ever acceptable in the Department of the Navy, and all are crimes. Close coordination with law enforcement and legal is essential for successful prosecutions. Active intervention is one key element of sexual assault prevention. It emphasizes the responsibility of all Sailors and Marines to protect each other and to actively intervene in circumstances that may lead up to sexual assault.
Our Mission
Prevent and respond to sexual assault, eliminating it from our ranks through a balance of focused education, comprehensive response, compassionate advocacy, and just adjudication in order to promote professionalism, respect, and trust, while preserving Navy mission readiness.
Our Vision
Promote and foster an aware and informed Navy respectful of all, intolerant of sexual assault, and supported by a synergistic program of prevention, advocacy, and accountability.
You will find the following information on this webpage:
What are the Reporting Options
It is important to understand the two reporting options: Restricted and Unrestricted. This section provides detailed information about these options, including the benefits and limitations of each option.
I Think I Was Sexually Assaulted
If you have been, or think you may have been sexually assaulted, this section discusses steps you can take to establish safety, preserve evidence and get support.
Someone I Care About Was Sexually Assaulted
Learn about the ways you can provide support to a shipmate, friend or loved one who has experienced sexual assault.
Someone I Supervise Has Been Sexually Assaulted
This section provides guidance to those who supervise someone who has been sexually assaulted.
What Role Can I Play in Preventing Sexual Assault
Though ultimately only a potential perpetrator can prevent sexual assault by not committing the act, there are things you can do to help keep your shipmates and yourself safe.
Sexual Assault Resources
Learn about military and civilian online resources with information for victims/survivors and their family, friends and shipmates.
Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month
Learn about Sexual Assault Awareness & Prevention Month (SAAPM), observed every April by both military and civilian organizations.
Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military
A 90-Day Independent Review Commission (IRC) on Sexual Assault in the Military was ordered to take action to address sexual assault and harassment in the force. The IRC made recommendations related to: accountability; prevention; climate and culture; and victim care and support.
Contact Your Local SAPR Program
For more information on the Department of Defense's (DoD's) Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office, visit their website at https://www.sapr.mil/
If you need immediate assistance, contact the Safe Helpline at 877-995-5247.
Updated 5 February 2025