Domestic Violence Prevention (DVP) Training Mobile Application - The Navy’s DVP app is a mobile training and resource tool that provides easy access to information and training that satisfies the Navy’s General Military Training (GMT) requirements for Domestic Violence Prevention.
The training module within the DVP app is designed to satisfy the following learning objectives:
- Define domestic violence
- Identify the types of domestic violence
- Identify some factors associated with becoming an abuser
- Identify the three phases within the cycle of domestic violence
- Identify some tactics used by abusers in domestic violence cases
- Identify some ways domestic violence affects children
Once training is completed, the app allows the user to document completion of their GMT training completion requirements in the Electronic Training Jacket (ETJ) using their DoD ID number. This feature supports the Navy’s ongoing efforts to provide Sailors with “anytime/ anywhere” access to information and ability to complete training requirements when it’s convenient to them.
NOTE: To successfully submit a course completion from an NMCI issued mobile device, an external e-mail account must be set-up.
In addition to the training, the app provides links to key DVP resources. This includes an “Emergency” contacts section that is available to the user 24/7, such as the National Domestic Violence Hotline and Military Crisis Line. This quick and easy access to resources makes it ideal for Sailors of all ranks.
The DVP app aggregates information from a variety of sources. Please be aware that some of the information contained in the app may be out of date or no longer valid. Information will be checked periodically for accuracy and updated as needed and released via periodic DVP version updates.
Download the app from the Apple iTunes App Store or Google Android App Store.
Family Advocacy Program (FAP) Resources
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Intimate Partner Violence, Understanding Intimate Partner Violence Fact Sheet
- Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate at your local installation’s Fleet and Family Support Center
- The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-7233 or 1-800-787-3224 (TTY) is available 24 hours a day for safety planning and referrals for local resources: http://www.ndvh.org/.
- OCONUS personnel can seek assistance directly from the Fleet and Family Support Center or from the Americans Overseas Domestic Violence Crisis Center at 1-866-USWOMEN (879-6636).
- Military OneSource - https://www.militaryonesource.mil/
- Domestic Abuse Victim Advocate Locator https://go.usa.gov/xtKE7
- National Dating Abuse Helpline - 1-866-331-9474, www.loveisrespect.org
- Pathways to Safety International - International Toll-Free (24/7), 833-SAFE-833 (833-723-3833), https://pathwaystosafety.org/
- National Child Abuse Hotline/Childhelp - 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453), www.childhelp.org
- National Sexual Assault Hotline - 1-800-656-4673 (HOPE), www.rainn.org
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-8255 (TALK), www.suicidepreventionlifeline.org
- National Center for Victims of Crime - 1-202-467-8700, www.victimsofcrime.org
- National Human Trafficking Resource Center/Polaris Project - Call: 1-888-373-7888 | Text: HELP to BeFree (233733), www.polarisproject.org
- National Coalition for the Homeless - 1-202-737-6444, www.nationalhomeless.org
- National Resource Center on Domestic Violence - 1-800-537-2238, www.nrcdv.org and www.vawnet.org
- Futures Without Violence: The National Health Resource Center on Domestic Violence - 1-888-792-2873, www.futureswithoutviolence.org
- National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health - 1-312-726-7020 ext. 2011, www.nationalcenterdvtraumamh.org
- Love is respect - Hotline: 1-866-331-9474, www.loveisrespect.org
- Break the Cycle - 202-824-0707, www.breakthecycle.org
- College Campus Safety Guide - https://www.affordablecollegesonline.org/campus-safety-guide/
Differently Abled
Updated 6 February 2025