Problematic Sexual Behavior in Children and Youth (PSB-CY) includes behaviors initiated by children and youth under the age of 18 that involve sexual body parts (genitals, anus, buttocks or breasts) that are not typical sexual behaviors and are developmentally inappropriate, or potentially harmful to the individual(s) initiating the behaviors, the individual(s) impacted by the behaviors or others.
Although the term sexual is used, the intentions and motivations for these behaviors may or may not be related to sexual gratification or sexual stimulation. The behaviors may be more likely to be related to curiosity, anxiety, need for affection, imitation, attention-seeking, self-calming, or other reasons.
Normative (common) Sexual Behaviors: Sexual behaviors are considered developmentally normative when they occur infrequently and are easily distractible (i.e. the child is responsive to redirection). These behaviors are unplanned, intermittent, involve children of a similar age, size and developmental levels, and is agreed upon by both children.
Cautionary (Less common) Sexual Behaviors: Cautionary behaviors are identified as those that are disruptive to others and only moderately responsive to distraction or redirection.
Problematic (Uncommon) Sexual Behaviors: Problematic behaviors are frequently disruptive to others and persist even after distraction and redirection. Children exhibiting these behaviors may cause harm to themselves or others and persist after explicit redirection. Redirection may be met with anger from the child. Problematic sexual behaviors are often initiated with strong feelings such as anger, aggression, strong anxiety, coercion or manipulation, threats, abuse of power, or force of any kind.
If you have any concerns about your child’s behavior, your Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) offers a range of resources and services you can use to encourage your child’s healthy development, boundaries and interactions with others. The FAP PSB-CY also provides parent engagement to improve and strengthen the parent and child relationship, empower parents with skills and resources, to inform parents of what to expect at each step of the CCR, and to apply safety, monitoring and supervision rules in the home and community.
Your FAP representative, as well as members of the MDT, are committed to support you and your child throughout this process. You can find your installation’s representative HERE.
Resources: Military One Source:
Updated 6 February 2025