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Life Skills

Life happens and unfortunately, it does not come with a handbook or instructions. Life Skills are all about self-discovery, exploring new ways to think, interact and problem-solve. The Fleet and Family Support Centers (FFSCs) offer workshops that are focused on using conflict to direct positive change; connecting the power of communication to strengthen relationships through mutual respect and understanding; and employing mindful thought management  and problem solving strategies. Explore the following workshop topics in order to get to ‘mission-ready green’ and stay in Operational Stress Control (OSC).

Anger Management
Anger is a normal emotion. The resulting behavior, when out of control, can lead to problems in your relationships. Improve your quality of life and learn constructive ways to manage and express your feelings.

Anger Management Resources

Communication Skills
How can it be so hard to communicate with the person you love the most? If you would turn on the TV or browse any bookstore, you will see talk shows, books and magazines dedicated to this issue. With frequent relocations, multiple deployments and the challenges of reintegration, good communication may get lost in translation.

Communication Skills Resources

Conflict Management
Unresolved conflict can prevent personal and professional growth. Learning to resolve conflict will help you overcome barriers and make healthy choices. Become more aware of the role that conflict plays in your daily life. Classes are available to gain resources to manage it daily

New Spouse Orientation
Whether you are a new Navy spouse or you have been around awhile, sometimes you wonder if you moved to another planet! The Navy has its own language, traditions and customs. Everything can seem so different! How are you supposed to understand life on this planet? Make your local FFSC one of your first stops in your new Navy adventure. You can attend a workshop and meet other new Navy spouses, gather informational materials, get help with finding a job or a volunteer opportunity or learn about educational opportunities.

Naval Services FamilyLine has resources for new Navy spouses. FamilyLine also publishes a book named "Sea Legs" that is necessary for the spouse who is new to the military lifestyle! Sea Legs contains useful information on matters such as family support services, rights, privileges and benefits, moving, health and medical care, social customs and courtesies, and deployments. The Navy's history, its mission and structure, a naval terms glossary, and a very useful list of resource addresses are also included. To get your free copy, call the FamilyLine office toll free at 1-877-673-7773.

COMPASS is a spouse-to-spouse mentoring program that introduces participants to all aspects of the military lifestyle. COMPASS offers military spouses the opportunity to establish a peer network, acquire knowledge and develop skills necessary to address the future challenges of military life.

Parent Education
Navy kids are like all others - except they have a parent serving in the military. This means that they probably move more often or perhaps have a parent who is away for extended periods. Being understood, cared for and loved are the single most effective strategies used in reducing some of the challenges faced by military children.

Parent Education Resources

  • New Parent Support Home Visitation Program
  • Military Health System
  • NAVY for
  • FOCUS World helps military families become stronger in the face of challenges by providing both parents and kids a fun place to learn and practice important skills, such as listening and responding to each other’s concerns, including those related to deployment and reintegration.
  • Sesame Workshop Talk, Listen, Connect addresses issues related to multiple deployments, family changes that occur when a parent is physically or psychologically injured, and the loss of a parent.
  • Courage to Talk: The injuries of war - combat or non-combat-related, visible or invisible - are life-changing events for the injured, their families and children. Family and friends play a vital role in the recovery process, especially that of talking and listening. Courage to Talk provides resources to assist in having these challenging conversations.
  • Parenting for Service Members and Veterans is an anonymous, online self-help course designed to help the military community improve their parenting skills. It provides military and veteran parents with tools and practical advice to help them reconnect with their families after a separation strengthen relationships with their children and build upon their existing parenting skills.

Stress Management
Stress is a normal and natural part of life. The alarm clock “stresses” you out of bed in the morning. Work, kids, traffic … even winning a million dollars can be stressful. Stress is also a motivator. It helps you get things done. FFSC classes and resources are available to keep your stress level in the GREEN.

Stress Management Resources

Suicide Prevention
Suicide Prevention is an all-hands evolution, all of the time. Everyone can make a difference and contribute to suicide prevention at any time. Consider what you would do if you or someone else were struggling to cope with a personal crisis.

Risk factors identified by annual Navy Cross Disciplinary Case Reviews and the Centers for Disease Control include:

  • Easy access to lethal means (methods of suicide with especially high fatality rates)
  • Relationship issues (divorce, separation, break-up)
  • Transitions (retirement, PCS, discharge, etc.)
  • Current or pending disciplinary or legal action
  • Financial problems
  • Academic, career or personal setbacks
  • Perceived rejection, abandonment or loss of status
  • Physical or psychological health issues (sleep deprivation, medical condition, etc.)
  • Severe or prolonged stress
  • History of alcohol and/or substance abuse
  • History of previous suicide attempts
  • Barriers to accessing psychological health treatment
  • Family history of suicide or violence
  • Sexual or physical abuse
  • Traumatic experience
  • Death of a close friend or family member

Centers for Disease Control. Suicide: Risk and Protective Factors (2015, August 28). Retrieved from

What You Can Do

  • Ask - Ask your shipmate directly "are you thinking about killing​ yourself? Do you have a plan to kill yourself?"
  • Care - Tell your shipmate that you're concerned about him or her, without judgment. They may not show it, but they likely appreciate that someone cared enough to say something.
  • Treat - Take your shipmate to get help immediately by seeking a Navy chaplain, medical professional or trusted leader. Call 911 if danger is imminent. Help is available 24/7 through the Military Crisis Line. Call 1-800-273-TALK (Option 1), text 838255 from a mobile device or visit

Suicide Prevention Resources

Updated 6 February 2025



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