Commanding Officers’ Frequently Asked Questions
What are the command’s roles and responsibilities?
The commanding officer has oversight responsibility of Transition Assistance and is charged with ensuring separating service members complete the Transition Assistance Program and meet Career Readiness Standards (CRS)) DoDI 1332.35 and OPNAVIST 1900.2D.
Throughout the Military Life Cycle (MLC), commanding officers are to be fully engaged in enabling service members to attain compliance with the VOW to Hire Heroes Act mandates and Veterans Employment Initiative Task Force requirements prior to their retirement or separation.
In order to do so, commanding officers are to:
- Ensure that Transition Assistance components are delivered at key touch points throughout the MLC
- Ensure that service members develop and maintain their Individual Development Plan (IDP)
- Ensure that service members develop and maintain their Individual Transition Plan (ITP)
- Verify that eligible service members have met CRS at Capstone
- Ensure that service members who did not meet CRS are provided a “warm handover” to the appropriate interagency parties or local resource
When and where is Capstone?
Capstone is available at both CONUS and OCONUS installations. To find out when the next Capstone is scheduled, Service members should contact different installations for their availability.
What if my Sailors are assigned to an isolated location or currently deployed?
If isolated or geographically separated location (greater than 50 miles from any military installation offering Transition Assistance classes), Sailors can use their Common Access Card (CAC) to access the virtual curriculum on the Transition Online Learning (TOL) portal or use the CD-version of the curriculum.
If deployed, service members can start the transition process by meeting with a Command Career Counselor or Command Transition Officer. The virtual curriculum should only be used when a Service member’s separation date is within 90 days and there is no non-virtual Transition Assistance curriculum available upon your return to homeport.
Service members stationed more than 50 miles from a military installation offering Transition Assistance or currently deployed, are to start the transition process by scheduling a Pre-Separation Counseling appointment 18 - 24 months prior to your retirement, 12 - 18 months prior to separations and not less than 365 days remaining on active duty.
Is Transition Assistance considered official duty?
Yes, Transition Assistance is considered official duty. Service members are not required to take leave in order to attend.
Can Spouses attend Transition Assistance Classes?
If space is available, spouses of eligible transitioning service members are welcome and encouraged to attend the 5-Day Workshop and Career Track offerings. Spouses should bring their military ID cards.
Where can more information be obtained?
For more information, check out Transition Assistance Resources for Service Members and Facilitators or contact your local Fleet and Family Support Center.
Updated 26 February 2025