The Navy Spouse Navigation page is designed especially for you, the Navy Spouse. You can use the official information on this page to go directly to the Fleet and Family Support Program (FFSP) you want, and other support programs the Navy and other federal and non-federal organizations offer. All you have to do is click one of the hyperlinks below to take you to the Webpage you need. Our goal is to make this page the one-stop-shop of information for you, the Navy Spouse.
MyNavy Family App - The MyNavy Family application is the first tool by the U.S. Navy developed for Navy spouses and Sailors’ families that combines authoritative information from more than 22 websites into a single, convenient application. Download the app at the
Navy App Locker,
Google Play Store, or
Apple App Store.
Fleet and Family Support Center Directory - Find all your Fleet and Family Support Centers worldwide.
Family Connection Newsletter - The Family Connection Newsletter provides information that can help Navy Sailors and families meet the unique challenges of the military lifestyle.
Navy Family Framework - Reinforcing the importance of the Navy family’s role in mission success.
Family Employment Readiness Program - Let the Family Employment Readiness Program help you find a new career.
USAJobs - You can build a resume, apply for a government position, and start a new career. You’re just a few clicks away from a career in the United States government.
Personal Financial Management - Let us help you with your finances. We can teach you to stretch, save and even earn a dollar. And our services are free!
Defense Finance & Accounting Service - Learn about military and civilian pay.
Housing - Providing housing and related services in support you and your family.
Child & Youth Programs - Specifically designed and operated to meet the needs of the military families.
Militarychildcare.com - You can sign up for child care before you even get to your next duty station.
Navy Medicine - World Class Care … Any Time, Any Where!
Ombudsman Program - We connect your Sailor’s command to you. Let us introduce you to command information. You can even volunteer to become and Ombudsman.
Emergency Response - Helping you prepare for the worst so you don’t have to hope for the best!
Sexual Assault Prevention & Response - Services are available to victims regardless of where and when the assault took place.
Counseling, Advocacy, and Prevention - If you need someone to talk to, we are here for you …
Navy Family Accountability and Assessment System - NFAAS is a method for the Navy to account, assess, manage, and monitor the recovery process for personnel and their families affected by a wide-spread catastrophic event.
Religious Ministries - Find the information for all your spiritual needs.
Navy Exchange - You Serve, You Save! Find a NEX near you!
Commissary - The commissary is just like a grocery store but better!
Exceptional Family Member Program - Designed specifically for supporting the military family with members who have special needs.
Referral and Information - You have a question or a request? Let us get you the right answer and support at the right place and the right time!
Navy Morale, Welfare & Recreation - The Navy offers you fun, recreation, entertainment and much more!
American Forces Travel - The site offers travel deals and benefits just for you, providing you access to a wide selection of discounted rates on hotels, air fare, rental cars, vacation packages, cruises and much more!
Naval Personnel Command - Find out everything you need to know about your Sailor’s Navy career.
Legal Services - Know Your Rights! Here is everything you wanted to know about Navy Legal Service.
Navy Nutrition Program - OPNAV N170B: Vision - To create a Navy environment that supports the healthy choice as the easy choice and empowers individuals to make informed choices about their nutrition. Mission - To set the foundation for a culture that supports healthy eating by providing policy, program and planning resources for the Department of the Navy.
Center for Disease Control and Prevention - As the nation's health protection agency, CDC saves lives and protects people from health, safety, and security threats.
Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center - Provides leadership and expertise to ensure mission readiness through disease prevention and health promotion in support of the National Military Strategy.
National Institutes of Health (NIH) - Official website of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH is one of the world's foremost medical research centers.
Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society - Their mission is to provide, in partnership with the Navy and Marine Corps, financial, educational, and other assistance to members of the Naval Service of the United States, eligible family members, and survivors
Federal Emergency Management Agency - FEMA supports the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in its role as the lead federal agency for the federal government’s response.
Department of Homeland Security - Fact Sheet: DHS Measures on the Border to Limit the Further Spread of Coronavirus
The White House - Path out of the Pandemic - President Biden's COVID-19 Action Plan
Military Family & Community Policy (MFCP) - COVID-19 Outreach and Engagement Efforts
Tutor.com - For U.S. Military Families, funded by the U.S. Department of Defense and Coast Guard Mutual Assistance, is a program that provides on-demand, online tutoring and homework help at no cost to eligible service members, civilian personnel, and their dependents. With live, expert tutors available 24/7, military-connected students can receive academic help at their moment of need—anywhere they have an internet connection.
Other Services
Updated 6 February 2025