As a Voting Assistance Officer, your mission is to ensure that every Sailor, their eligible family members and other eligible personnel are afforded every opportunity to register and vote absentee.
All Voting Assistance Officers need to register on the Federal Voting assistance Program (FVAP) Web Portal. Information needs to be updated regularly and all newly-assigned VAOs must register.
All Voting Assistance Officers are required to complete the mandatory VAO training and should become thoroughly familiar with the VAO-specific information found on the Federal Voting Assistance Program's website:
Instructions and Directives
Navy Voting Assistance Program OPNAV INSTRUCTION 1742.1C
Department of Defense Instruction Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP) DoDI 1000.04 dtd 12 November 2019
Voting Information for Recruiters:
Please contact the Navy Voting Action Officer with any questions or comments.
Phone: 202-433-3892/DSN 288-3892
Commander, Navy Installations Command (CNIC)
ATTN Voting Action Officer
716 Sicard Street SE Suite 1000
Washington Navy Yard, DC 20374-5140