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The 2025 DOD Tenant Satisfaction Survey for all family and unaccompanied Navy Housing is underway. Check your email inbox, take the survey and let your voice be heard!

Welcome to Installation NAVSTA Rota Housing

Our mission is to provide housing support for Service Members and their families assigned to Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota.  Our goal is to assist our customers locating suitable, safe and affordable housing.  We have a range of housing options to meet your needs, whether accompanied or unaccompanied.  



New Resources Available: If you are looking at renting or buying a home in the local community,
there are new resources available on the
community housing page.                                               

Select one of the tabs below or the menu button to begin exploring NAVSTA Rota housing. 

Navy Housing Service Center (HSC):

U.S. Naval Station
Rota, Spain
PSC 819 Box 69
FPO AE 09645-9000

DSN: 314-727-2398
DSN Fax: 727-2388
Off Base Local: 34-956-82-2398/2698
Commercial Fax: 34-956-82-2388
From the United States: 011-34-956-82-2398
Hours:  Monday - Friday:  7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Open Most Federal Holidays


Front Desk & Check-in: Building #35

DSN: 314-727-2590
Hours:  7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.


From the main gate  keep straight approx. 1/2mile there will be a road that merges of to the right take that and continue straight for 500 MTRS make a left turn  keep straight for 250 Meters turn left the Housing Service Center will be directly in front of you.

Family Housing

Accompanied personnel reporting to NAVSTA Rota have the option to reside in government-owned family housing or in the local community.   Check-in at the local Housing Service Center (HSC) arrival to the installation.  The HSC staff will assist with all of your home-finding needs.  

*Please note that the option to live in the community may change without notice. * 

Temporary lodging allowance (TLA) is authorized for a maximum of 30 days.  Newly arriving families are required to stay at the Navy Lodge while drawing TLA.  Pets are not allowed there and must be boarded (at member’s expense) at the base or local kennel.  If space is not available in the Lodge, permission will be given to stay in one of the hotels in the local community.  Families may elect to accept a temporary assignment to base housing while seeking a permanent home.  Be advised that the homes are furnished but do not come equipped with items such as towels, linens, shower curtains, televisions, cleaning fluids, etc.  It is recommended that you pack a few sheets, pillowcases and towels to tide you over until household goods arrive, or have your sponsor make arrangements for you.

Government-Owned Housing 

The local HSC processes applications and assigns personnel to government-owned family housing.  The HSC is your advocate, and you should contact them with any issues.   For more information about on-base housing for accompanied personnel, including eligibility requirements, visit the CNIC Headquarters Government-Owned Housing page.  

The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) enables Service Members and their families to apply for government-owned family housing prior to departure from their current command, before or after receiving permanent change of station orders.  Visit the CNIC HQ HEAT page to find out more.  

Additionally, you can obtain application forms online, at your nearest HSC, or you can contact the HSC have one mailed or emailed to you. 

Within 3 business days of arrival, check-in to the NAVSTA Rota HSC to sign up for the Housing Welcome Brief.   

Assignment to government quarters typically takes approximately two weeks. In general, expect rooms to be small, both on and off base, with narrow doorways and scarce storage, so select your household items carefully before shipping. California-size beds, for instance, will greatly limit available housing selections.

All incoming officer and enlisted personnel on accompanied tours have the option to reside on-base in family housing or to secure a private lease on the economy.  If personnel desire to reside in family housing and appropriate quarters are not available upon your arrival, you will be placed on a waiting list. When a unit becomes available, personnel will receive a government-funded move from their off-base residence to family housing on base.

On-base homes are limited due to several renovation projects.  The Las Palmeras site contains 421 two, three and four bedroom homes for officers and enlisted personnel. The houses are single story Spanish-style duplex homes (connected at the carports) and single-story detached homes.  All the homes have undergone several renovation and improvement projects since being built in the early 1960s.  All on-base homes have central heat and air conditioning, range, refrigerator, dishwasher, washer and dryer and fenced yards.  The electrical system aboard the Naval Station, including on-base housing, is 110-volts/60 cycle.  Telephone and Internet service is available.  While the homes do provide some storage, it is limited.  Additionally, there are no facilities aboard the Naval Station for storing excess furnishings.
Base housing offers American Forces Network (AFN). Internet, phone and Wi-Fi is paid by the resident.  If you anticipate living off-base, you will need to purchase a European or multi-system television if you would like to view Spanish TV channels. Off-base residents can also receive AFN channels, AFN decoder is provided upon availability. A satellite dish is needed.  The cost of the dish and installation are the responsibility of the resident.

Bedroom entitlement 
Bedroom entitlement in base housing is based on one bedroom per child with some ranks (e.g., E7-E9, 05 and above) qualifying for a minimum of three bedrooms. Those applying within 30 days of arrival at NAVSTA Rota will receive the date of detachment from the last permanent duty station as the control date on the waiting list, if eligible.

Applying for On-Base Family Housing

Applications may be submitted at the HSC or prior to arrival using the HEAT application.  HEAT allows the HSC to place the service member on the waiting list.  HEAT does not give priority on the waiting list.  If an application is submitted within 30 days of arriving, the member’s effective date on the waiting list is the date of detachment from the last permanent duty station.  Applicants need to be confirmed upon arrival.  Applications are available at the HSC and must be submitted with a copy of the PCS orders, detaching endorsement and a copy of the record of emergency data (page 2) and page 13, command sponsorship.

Whether you decide to reside on or off-base, loaner furniture is available for a maximum of 90 days while you are waiting for your household goods shipment to arrive or after they have been shipped to your next duty station. This includes items such as beds, chest of drawers, couch/loveseat, coffee and side tables, kitchen table and chairs.

You are strongly discouraged from shipping appliances to NAVSTA Rota, since the housing office will provide loaner appliances for both on and off-base for your entire tour, free of charge. This includes dishwashers, refrigerators, stoves, washers and dryers. Freezers can be provided upon availability.

Family Housing Photos & Floor Plans  
Community Housing 

All personnel who reside off base, whether temporarily or permanently, must process through the HSC. Newly arriving personnel are required to report to the Housing Services Center within three days of arrival to Rota with a copy of PCS orders, detaching endorsement, page 2 and page 13.

Within walking distance of the local beaches are apartments, chalets with balconies and detached homes with fireplaces and courtyards.  Some areas other than Rota where housing can be found are El Puerto de Santa Maria, San Lucar and Chipiona.  Living in one of these communities might provide greater privacy and more space.

The HSC counselors will assist in locating residence on the economy by:

  • Providing a list of approved houses/apartments.

  • Providing daily “house-hunting” trips (be advised the HSC does not provide car seats).

  • Negotiating rental contracts.

  • Explaining the lease agreements.  The HSC provides a showing service to help locate off-base housing. 

Facebook can be a tool for familiarizing yourself with the area and types of homes available, but please understand that the HSC has no control over any of the listings posted there.  Many entities that post listings online are not legitimate.  In order to protect your interests at all times, and as part of our procedures, you are strongly recommended to avoid making any commitments on properties prior to your arrival.  This can be something as simple as asking a property manager, relator or landlord to hold a property for you.  Verbal agreements are binding in Spain, and you can be held monetarily liable for any requests you make.

Mandatory brief
A mandatory Housing briefing is held every week at the Housing Welcome Center for personnel who will reside off base. The brief provides current information on government quarters, community housing, services available, TLA, lease contract procedures, lessons learned, etc.

Off Base Homes and Services

The HSC offers a variety of services to assist newly arriving personnel who will live in the local community.

  • Rental properties - The HSC maintains an extensive database of single houses, apartments, duplexes, etc., available in the surrounding communities.  These homes are inspected to ensure they meet safety, security and habitability standards

  • House hunting service - Community housing counselors will make appointments for newly arriving personnel to escort you to homes you have chosen to see and to meet the owners. Counselors are bilingual and provide translation services. Two house hunting trips are held each workday, as well as on Saturday morning.

  • Furnishings - The Loaner Furnishings Program provides furniture for temporary use (up to 90 days) while personnel are waiting for household goods shipments. Items available include sofas, dining tables and chairs, lamps, beds, etc. These are available for residents of both family and community housing.  The Full Tour Furnishings Program provides items that can be borrowed for the duration of your tour. Items include washers, dryers, refrigerators, ranges, kitchen cabinets, wardrobes, etc. All appliances for off base are European type (220V, 50Hz)

  • Self Help - Housing’s Self-Help Store is located in the housing area.  Items offered for temporary loan to accompanied personnel residing on-base include: dehumidifier, lawn mowers, hedge trimmers, weed eaters, garden tools and tillers.  Off-base residents, whether accompanied or not, can borrow transformers for small appliances such as a coffee maker, fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors for their entire tour.

  • Liaison - For those with homes leased in the community, the community counselors are available for assistance during your entire tour. They can assist in dealing with landlords, referrals to local trades people, and interpreting/explaining utility bills.

Finding a home in the community typically takes less than 30 days depending on your schedule and housing available.  July through August is peak season, which can extend the process beyond 45 days. The HSC provides complimentary house-hunting services and transportation. Your sponsor should arrange temporary accommodations at the Navy Lodge or Gateway Inns and Suite.    

Meanwhile, the HSC will help you with the rental contract and explain lease agreements.  The lease is written in Spanish and English. Whether you decide to reside on or off-base, loaner furniture is available for a maximum of 90 days while you are waiting for your household goods shipment to arrive or after they have been shipped to your next duty station. This includes items such as beds, chest of drawers, couch/loveseat, coffee and side tables, kitchen table and chairs.

You are strongly discouraged from shipping appliances to Rota, since the housing office will provide loaner appliances for both on and off-base for your entire tour, free of charge. This includes dishwashers, refrigerators, stoves, washers and dryers. Freezers can be provided upon availability.

unaccompanied housing

Single members E-4 and below will reside in permanent party barracks upon arrival to Rota and are not authorized Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) unless rooms are not available. All E-5 and above will reside off-base.

Barracks and Dorms 

Unaccompanied housing (UH) is conveniently located on NAVSTA Rota, housing approximately 1,200 personnel in 18 buildings.

Building 35 serves as the check-in point. UH facilities are centrally located in the industrial area of NAVSTA Rota within easy walking distance to MWR, Navy Exchange/Commissary, U.S. Naval Hospital, Galley and Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) facilities.  Military personnel in pay grades E-4 and below on unaccompanied orders, whether shore-based or sea-based, are required to live in UH upon arrival to Rota. 

UH residents are housed in modules.  Each module is comprised of two separate bedrooms, each approximately 120 sq. ft., separated by a shared bath and kitchen area.  They are equipped with a microwave, refrigerator, stackable washer and dryer and two-burner cook top.  There are no storage facilities on base for excess personal items.

Community Housing 

Check with your command upon arrival to determine eligibility to live off-base. Click the family housing tab above for more information on community housing in Rota, Spain. 


The Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) mission is to provide housing support for all families and unaccompanied personnel moving to or departing from the local area.  

Arrival Services:

  • Housing needs assessment

  • Temporary housing information

  • Personalized single-family home, condo and apartment finding assistance

  • Provide rental listings 

  • Maps and directions of local area

  • ​Detailed market information on local areas

  • Contract administration services

  • Lease review/interpretation

  • List of approved housing facilities and real estate agencies

  • Landlord information and mediation

Departure Services:

  • Provide information on housing at your new duty station

  • Process and fax or email housing application packages to your new duty station

Additional Services:

  • Telephones, photocopy and fax machines are available without charge


Service Members should check-in with the HSC upon arrival at the installation.  The HSC maintains a current database, that is accessible 24 hours a day, of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes.  Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability.  Additionally, the HSC provides lease review services and is your Navy advocate for you and your family when housing maintenance, health or safety issues arise.  For additional information on local community housing, please contact the HSC. 


Navy HSCs provide support with issue resolution for customers wherever they choose to live, whether military or community housing. Our issue resolution services are provided to both the tenant and landlord free of charge.

Shipping, Weight Limits and POV  

Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) is responsible for Navy household goods (HHG) and personal property.  NAVSUP provides information and guidance to assist with permanent change of station (PCS) moves and the HHG claims process.  
Additionally, there are several other resources available for Service Members that are looking for information on shipping HHG and privately owned vehicles

Visit the CNIC headquarters Web site to access additional resources for PCS moves

In general, expect rooms to be small, both on and off base, with narrow doorways and scarce storage, so select your household items carefully before shipping. California-size beds, for instance, will greatly limit available housing selections.

Appliances and Electrical Requirements 

At NAVSTA Rota, all government-owned family housing units are furnished with major household appliances (i.e. refrigerator, electric range or stove, clothes washer and dryer, and dishwasher).  
The Housing Service Center (HSC) will provide loaner appliances for off-base housing (refrigerator, four-burner gas stove, washer or dryer, conventional or microwave oven, and transformer) as needed.  Additional utility fees may apply for gas stove connections. Contact the HSC for more information. 
The electrical system aboard the Naval Station, including on-base housing, is 110-volts/60 cycle. Homes in the community are 220V/50Hz.


Temporary Loaner Furnishings Availability

Under this program, upon arrival eligible accompanied, unaccompanied and DoD civilians are able to obtain loaner furniture for up to 90 days while waiting for their household goods. Customers transferring from NAVSTA Rota are also able to take advantage of this program. Items available under this program include beds, dressers, sofas, end tables, coffee tables, dining table and chairs and lamps.  Customers select the items they need and the HSC will coordinate delivery.  When your household goods arrive, it's simply a matter of contacting the HSC and scheduling the pick-up of the furniture.

Partial Tour Furnishings Availability

Under this program, you can obtain items for the duration of your tour in Rota. Items available under this program include our core inventory such as; washer, dryer, range, refrigerator, microwave, AFN decoder and transformers.  The Partial Tour Furnishings you select will be delivered along with your Loaner Furnishings. At the time you PCS from Rota, we'll arrange to have these items picked-up.

Please note that government-owned or community housing may not be large enough to accommodate large or heavy furniture. 


Pets in base housing are limited to a maximum of two, either dogs and/or cats. All pets must be registered with the base veterinarian upon arrival and proof of registration must be provided to the HSC. NAVSTA Rota has aligned its policy with the Spanish law: the ownership of certain breeds of dogs determined to be dangerous will require that the owner pass physical and psychological examinations. The law also requires that these dogs be muzzled and leashed when walking outside. The dogs will have to be licensed and are required to have a microchip inserted. Some of the dogs considered to be dangerous are Rottweilers, Staff Terriers, Pit Bulls, Bull Terriers, Akitas, and Tosa Inus, as well as dogs weighing more than 20 kilograms and having strong jaws. Members should check with their sponsor prior to shipping any large, potentially dangerous dog to this installation.


Rota Housing FAQs

TextDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceHousing Early Assistance Tool

The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) assists Service Members and their families in applying for housing Navy wide.  HEAT allows Service Members and their families to get the housing application process started at one or more Navy installations online before or after they receive their permanent change of station orders.  HEAT is available to any Service Member at all Navy installations.  HEAT creates an easy user experience to connect with your destination.  Spouses can use the application as well, needing only minimal information about their Service Member.  A housing referral professional will be in touch within 2 business days.


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