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The 2025 DOD Tenant Satisfaction Survey for all family and unaccompanied Navy Housing is underway. Check your email inbox, take the survey and let your voice be heard!

Welcome to Naval Support Activity Bahrain Housing

Our mission is to provide housing support for Service Members and their families assigned to Naval Support Activity (NSA) Bahrain.  Our goal is to assist our customers locating suitable, safe and affordable housing.  We have a range of housing options to meet your needs, whether accompanied or unaccompanied.  


New Resources Available: If you are looking at renting or buying a home in the local community,
there are new resources available on the
community housing page.                                               

Select one of the tabs below or the menu button to begin exploring NSA Bahrain housing. 

Navy Housing Service Center (HSC):

Building 265
PSC 851, Box 560
FPO, AE 09834

DSN:  318-439-4104/6732
Off Base Local:  +973-1785-4104/67322   
From the United States:  011-973-1785-4104/6732
Email: OR
Hours:  Sunday - Monday &Wednesday-Thursday:  0800-1600; Tue: 0800-1300

Unaccompanied Housing (UH):

Building 266, 263, 765 & 766
PSC 851, BOX 640
FPO, AE 09834

Front Desk & Check-In NSA 1: Building 266
Front Desk & Check-Inn NSA 2: Building 765

DSN:  318-439-9674/0230
Off Base Local:  +973-1785-9674/0230
From the United States:  011-973-1785-9674/0230
Hours:  24 Hours/7 Days a Week

Other Information: NSA Bahrain UH Information

Isa Air Base Billeting Office:

Local Phone: +973-3969-5041
For the United States: 011-973-3969-5041

Community Housing 

There is no government- owned family housing at NSA Bahrain.  Accompanied personnel must reside in the local community.  Check-in at the local Housing Service Center (HSC) upon arrival to the installation.  The HSC staff will assist with all of your home-finding needs.  

The HSC maintains a current database of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes.  Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability.  The HSC assists with locating off-base housing in the local area, including:   

Housing on the economy for all ranks is excellent. There is no on-base housing except Unaccompanied Housing (UH) for Frocked E5 and below. Paid E5 and above, DoD employees reside on the economy. OHA/Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) is authorized. Upon arrival, military personnel are authorized up to 45 days temporary lodging allowance (TLA) and DoD civilians up to 90 days of Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA), otherwise directed by member’s unit/command.
The HSC provides detailed market information, contact administrative services and showing service. A period of 2-3 weeks is usually required to identify suitable housing and complete lease administrative. Voltage is 220v, 50hz. Major appliances are provided by the landlord. 99% of lease housing are fully furnished. Even though pets are allowance in some housing with no deposit required, most landlords do not prefer to rent with pets. Contact your designated sponsor or family service center for specific requirements on shipping and importing pets to Bahrain.

Unaccompaned Housing (UH)

All personnel will be housed on the local economy, except for E-4 and below who will be housed in the barracks aboard NSA Bahrain. 

Barracks and Dorms 

Living in barracks at NSA Bahrain is mandatory for all E-4 and below military, unaccompanied Service Members. UH is conveniently located on NSA Bahrain.    

Accommodations are one or two persons to a room based on pay grade and square footage.  Buildings 266 (NSA1) and 765 (NSA 2) serves as the Front Desk and check-in areas. Linens are provided at check-in.  UH facilities include lounges equipped with televisions, washers and dryers, and vending machines in all buildings.  There are also recreational, fitness, dining, religious, educational and other amenities, most located within walking distance of UH.  Additional information on base amenities is available in the Welcome Aboard package.  

Resident advisors (RA) and geographic bachelors (GB) may also reside on-base.  RAs are senior personnel who provide an after-hours leadership presence to UH residents.  RAs sign a memorandum of understanding, agreeing to certain duties and responsibilities in exchange for a room in UH.  The program is strictly voluntary and open to personnel in pay grades E5 to E9 (E4 with their commanding officer’s recommendation), including GBs.  For more information about the RA program and to obtain an application, please contact the UH Administrative Office. 
GBs are personnel ordered to the installation who, by choice or circumstance, have decided that their dependents will continue to live in another geographic area.  GBs are receiving basic allowance for housing at the with dependents rate.  They are not normally authorized to live in UH; however, there are a limited number of spaces available for them.  GBs must submit an application that will be reviewed by the Assignment Review Board.  If approved, the GB will be placed on the waiting list and offered UH when it becomes available. 

Other InformationNSA Bahrain UH Information

Community Housing 

The Housing Service Center (HSC) maintains a current database of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes.  Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability.  The HSC assists with locating off-base housing in the local area, including:   

Visit the family housing tab for more information on community housing. 

Navy Housing Services

The Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) mission is to provide housing support for all families and unaccompanied personnel moving to or departing from the local area.  

Arrival Services:

  • Housing needs assessment

  • Temporary housing information

  • Personalized single-family home, condo and apartment finding assistance

  • Provide rental listings 

  • Maps and directions of local area

  • ​Detailed market information on local areas

  • Contract administration services

  • Lease review/interpretation

  • List of approved housing facilities and real estate agencies

  • Landlord information and mediation

Departure Services:

  • Termination of lease and addendums for contract renewal


The HSC's trained professionals can help you choose the right housing to meet your needs. is an official Department of Defense (DoD) website dedicated to helping Service Members, families and DoD civilians find housing. 


Service Members should check-in with the HSC upon arrival at the installation, even if planning on renting in the local community.  The HSC maintains a current database, that is accessible 24 hours a day, of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes.  Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability.  Additionally, the HSC provides lease review services and is your Navy advocate for you and your family when housing maintenance, health or safety issues arise.  For additional information on local community housing, please contact the HSC. 

Issue Resolution 

Navy HSCs provide support with issue resolution for customers wherever they choose to live. Our issue resolution services are provided to both the tenant and landlord free of charge.

Shipping, Weight Limits and POV  

Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) is responsible for Navy household goods (HHG) and personal property.  NAVSUP provides information and guidance to assist with permanent change of station (PCS) moves and the HHG claims process.  
Additionally, there are several other resources available for Service Members that are looking for information on shipping HHG and privately owned vehicles

Visit the CNIC headquarters Web site to access additional resources for PCS moves

Please note: 99% of leased housing are fully furnished, therefore there is no need to ship household goods but maybe shipment of a vehicle is desired. 

Regional Locations

Service Members are allowed to choose houses from any place on the island that is not on the off-limits list.  However, security will determine if the area is safe for the tenants to move into.  Areas such as Juffair, Adliya, Hoora, Um-Al Hassam, Hidd, Arad, Galali and Amwaj are some of the areas in which Americans commonly live.

A security inspection will be done on all residences that are occupied by military and DoD civilians.  There is also a security directive for military and DoD residents from Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Central Command, and guidance from the Downing Commission which states that the maximum occupancy rate in each individual apartment building should not exceed 25 percent.

Housing Types

There is no on-base housing at NSA Bahrain, therefore all PAID E5's and above and DoD civilians have to live in the community.  There is affordable housing for all paygrades.  Housing requirements vary depending on tenants' requirements. Housing types are apartment buildings with four-story flats (apartments) or higher or three-flat buildings with one flat on each floor.  Villas and villa compounds are single, double or multiple villas surrounded by walls.

Everything here in Bahrain is somewhat negotiable.  Prior to a house-hunting trip around the island, you should make a list of items and amenities that you will need so that you will be ready to negotiate once you have found the flat or villa you like.

Housing Application

The housing brief is required in order to begin the process of searching for housing.  Once you have chosen where you would like to live, a pre-contract will be issued if the tenant has vacated the premises or the place is below the anti-terrorism/force protection, which means that 25 percent of the building flats (higher than four stories) is occupied by Americans.  It usually takes about 2-3 weeks to process pre-contract, draft, inspection & lease signing. All personnel are required to obtain lease agreement through Housing Service Center (HSC).  Prior to approval for move-in, all flats and villas will be checked by NSA Housing Residential Security Inspectors. After your prospective flat or villa passes the security inspection, you will then move to final phased, which is signing of the lease agreement. All lease signing will be conducted in HSC.


Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) for NSA Bahrain is sufficient to cover the cost of rent and utilities to adequately house all military personnel.  DoD civilians will receive a Living Quarters Allowance (LQA).  Your allowance is determined by your pay grade.  All civilians and paid E-5 and above are allowed to live off base and receive this allowance.

Temporary Quarters & Lodging Allowance 

Military personnel will be assigned temporary lodging for up to 45 days.  Once you arrive and receive Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA), you must submit for TLA reimbursement request every 10 days.  A detailed brief will be given when you attend the housing brief upon arrival.  All personnel will be housed in the local community, except for Frocked E-5 and below who will reside in the barracks onboard NSA Bahrain.  The HSC staff will assist you in finding a place to live and with the execution of a lease.  Rent is paid in Bahraini Dinars and not in U.S. dollars.

Temporary Quarters

Upon arrival, you must immediately check in with the Navy Gateway Inns & Suites (NGIS) office to obtain a Certificate of None-Availability (CNA) if you are booked to stay in a hotel off base. All hotel reservations MUST be completed through Navy Gateway Inns and Suites (NGIS). You or your sponsor can obtain your CNA in advance from NGIS.  If you have advised your sponsor, in advance, that you are bringing a pet, NGIS will provide the booking in a hotel that accepts/allows pets. Temporary lodging will be in a local hotel for most personnel for up to 45 days with valid CNA from NGIS.  NGIS cannot back-date CNA, so you must report to NGIS to obtain it and get paid for TLA.  Ensure your sponsor knows your arrival date.  Your sponsor will make your TLA reservation and/or arrangements through the NGIS office.   

Temporary Lodging Allowance 

Newly arrived personnel have various allowances and entitlements, HSC personnel recommend that individuals who are required to stay in temporary lodging (NGIS or hotel) to have at least $1,600 to cover their lodging expenses for the first 10 days after arrival.  This amount should cover the lodging expenses and is reimbursable through the submission of TLA REIMBURSEMENT request along with HOTEL RECEIPTS and completed TLA WORKSHEET and submit to the HSC and the Personnel Support Detachment.

Appliances and Electrical Requirements 

Major appliances are usually provided by the landlord.  If you choose to bring your own household appliances, please know that Bahrain’s electrical current is 220 volts, 50 cycles.  If you do bring your own appliances you will need a step-down transformer, which sometimes is also provided by the landlord.  Please know that even on a transformer, items with timers (washing machines, microwaves, etc.) run slower, causing their motors to work less efficiently.  This may cause additional stress on the appliance and shorten its life.  Keep in mind that all needed electrical items can be negotiated into the lease with the landlord.

Televisions and VCRs pick up a different frequency here in Bahrain, so in order for your American system to pick up television stations, it must be a multi-system.  If you own a non-multi-system television and VCR, it is only good for playing video games or taped videos.  You will not be able to view videos from the local rental places due to the different frequency.  These items are negotiable as well.


99% of leased housing is fully furnished.  You can purchase renters' insurance locally and/or stateside for your personal items.  The NSA Personal Property Department will be able to assist you with all the detailed information on personal property insurance. NO loaner furnishings available in NSA Bahrain HSC.


Please note that even though pets are allowed in some housing, most landlords prefer to not rent to Service Members with pets. Contact your designated sponsor or HSC for specific requirements on shipping and importing pets to Bahrain.

Utilities & Telephone

Electricity is very expensive in Bahrain.  Summer usage can be high due to extreme heat and low during the winter. Practice energy conservation.
Individuals stationed at NSA Bahrain are encouraged to have a telephone for recall purposes.  A variety of mobile telephone stores are located in Bahrain, as well as an outlet on base.  Although there is the option of having a service provider, many individuals opt to use the prepaid method with a locally purchased mobile telephone.

Housing's Six Steps

Step 1:  In-processing and attend the HSC brief held every Monday and Wednesday, from 0830-1000, located in Housing Service Center, bldg. 265. Prior registration is required, sign up sheet is available at the Housing Service Center Front Desk. Attendees must arrive at least 10 minutes prior to the beginning of the brief to complete administrative work.
Step 2:  House hunting.
Step 3:  Pre-Contract (After identifying a location, return to the HSC to pick up a pre-contract. Ensure to have the full address of the residence)  
Step 4:  Lease Draft.
Step 5:  Residential Security Inspection.
Step 6:  Lease Signings (if the residence passed the inspection)

TextDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceHousing Early Assistance Tool

The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) assists Service Members and their families in applying for housing Navy wide.  HEAT allows Service Members and their families to get the housing application process started at one or more Navy installations online before or after they receive their permanent change of station orders.  HEAT is available to any Service Member at all Navy installations.  HEAT creates an easy user experience to connect with your destination.  Spouses can use the application as well, needing only minimal information about their Service Member.  A housing referral professional will be in touch within 2 business days.

Other Information and Links

Moving Resources: 

Housing Allowance: 

Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act: 

School Information: An excellent DODDS school is available for grades K-12, offering advance placement courses from high school into college, and an international baccalaureate program.

Additional Resources: 


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