Shipping, Weight Limits and POV
Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) is responsible for Navy household goods (HHG) and personal property. NAVSUP provides information and guidance to assist with permanent change of station (PCS) moves and the HHG claims process.
Additionally, there are several other resources available for Service Members that are looking for information on shipping HHG and privately owned vehicles:
Visit the CNIC headquarters Web site to access additional resources for PCS moves.
Please note that NSA Naples does not have temporary or long-term storage available.
The Personal Property Shipping Office
The Personal Property Shipping Office is part of the Supply Department, and the following information is provided to assist you in your move. At the bottom of this page you will find contact information for the Personal Property Shipping Office (PPSO).
Upon your arrival in Naples, you should contact them to provide them with reliable phone numbers (so they can contact you when your household goods arrive) and then to arrange for the delivery of your Household Goods and Unaccompanied Baggage. Your Unaccompanied Baggage shipment can be delivered to you in Temporary Lodging.
Once you have a housing appointment to sign the final contract, contact the PPSO to set up your delivery date. You will need the address from your lease, a contact telephone number and any requirements the movers need to know regarding accessing the house. When delivery has been scheduled, the date should not be changed unless absolutely necessary. If a change is required, please notify the office ahead of time (at least a day before). Late notification could result in additional charges.
When your property is delivered, the moving company must:
Provide an English speaking employee.
Unpack all boxes (unless waived by you) and place all articles where you want them in the residence. However, the company is not required to move articles once they have been placed. They will remove all cartons and packing materials generated from delivery; however, they are not obligated to return on a different date to remove boxes and/or packing materials.
Assemble all articles disassembled at origin by the moving company.
Do Not ask them to move furniture found on the premises, including government-owned loaner furniture, as they are not obligated nor authorized to do so.
Due to Italian customs requirements, it is mandatory that all motorcycles/mopeds are documented and processed with customs and must be registered with MVRO and road taxes paid regardless of whether or not you plan to drive it.
You are initially entitled to 90 Days temporary storage of personal property. Extensions can be authorized due to TDY en route or documented housing delays. Civilians wishing to extend their storage beyond 90 days must receive authorization in writing from their HRO before the initial storage expires.
If the storage expires and is converted to member expense, the member will be responsible for the monthly storage fees, but the delivery will still be at government expense. Additionally, the member will be given the option to pay for a joint inspection prior to the conversion. If they waive this inspection, they lose the right to file a loss and damage claim against the TSP after delivery.
Personal Property Shipping Office Contact Information
Village Forum, Support Site
West Wing, 1st Floor (2nd Deck)
Phone: 081-811-6778 (DSN 629-6778)
Fax: 081-811-6949 (DSN 629-6949)
Email: &
Hours: Monday, Tues, Wed, Friday: 7:45 a.m. – 3:45 p.m., Thursday: 7:45 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Advance (Express) Shipment
Expect your advance (express) shipment to arrive within 30 days of shipment. We strongly recommend you send your advance shipment as soon as you have your orders to ensure all of your necessary items arrive when you do.
We recommend you pack the basic essentials in your advance (express) shipment - small appliances (coffee pot, blender, toaster, etc.), pots, pans, utensils, sheets, blankets, pillows, and any other home wares you cannot do without.
Household Goods (HHG) Shipment
Large U.S.-made appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, washers, etc., are not compatible with Italian electricity available in your housing unit and should not be sent. Such appliances may be available through the furnishings program.
Small appliances such as coffee pots, blenders, frying pans, etc., may be sent as they will work with the transformers provided by the Housing Warehouse.
We recommend you include the following in your HHG shipment:
Area Rugs: The availability and selection of rugs you will be able to purchase from the NEX may be limited. It is advisable to ship your own rugs from the U.S.
Clocks: Electric clocks do not keep accurate time on the Italian electric system. We recommend you bring battery or wind clocks with you.
Lighting: Lamps will work, however, you must have an outlet conversion (readily available) and Italian light bulbs (also readily available).
Storage Cabinets: Most Italian homes have very limited storage and kitchen cupboard space. Consider bringing extra storage cabinets for bathroom and kitchen areas.
Drapes: Your current drapes may not properly fit the windows in your home. Drapes are available at local stores and markets.
Appliances and Electrical Requirements
At NSA Naples, all government-owned family housing units are furnished with major household appliances (i.e. refrigerator, electric range or stove, clothes washer and dryer, and dishwasher).
The Housing Service Center (HSC) will provide loaner appliances for off-base housing (refrigerator, four-burner gas stove, washer or dryer, conventional or microwave oven, and transformer) as needed. Additional utility fees may apply for gas stove connections. Contact the HSC for more information.
Government owned housing at NSA Naples is wired for U.S. 110v/60Hz and for Italian 220v/50Hz. You will be able to plug in both U.S. and Italian devices without the need for a transformer. All community housing is wired for Italian 220v/50Hz. The housing warehouse provides 2 transformers to residents living in the community and your small U.S. appliances will work in Italy utilizing these options. However, large appliances such as stoves, refrigerators, washers, etc., are not compatible with Italian electricity available in your housing unit.
Assignment Policy
The current housing policy for NSA Naples is as follows:
Accompanied Service Members: The NSA Naples Commanding Officer, as the Housing Authority, has implemented a direct assignment to ensure efficient utilization of Military Family Housing (MFH) assets. All arriving military personnel will be directly assigned to MFH, if available. Assignment is based on pay grade, family composition, and control date. Upon arrival, military personnel may request an exception to policy to reside in the local economy. All requests must be submitted in writing using the from the service member, via their CO/Officer-in-Charge (OIC) and the NAVSUPPACT Naples Housing Director, to the CO NAVSUPPACT Naples. Please note that justification is heavily scrutinized and only a handful of requests have been approved. If less than five MFH units are available in the member’ waiting list category, then a certificate of non-availability (CNA) will be issued, and the service member may reside on the economy. Sponsors of arriving personnel should coordinate with the Housing Service Center – Assignments Branch, prior to arrival to determine availability of MFH. If MFH is declined, a member will not be entitled to receive Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA).
Single Service Members: All single or unaccompanied E-1 to E-3, E-4 with less than four years of service and frocked E-5 shall be housed in permanent party barracks. Unless permanent space is not immediately available. If space is not available, temporary assignment will be provided at the Navy Lodge until BEQ space is available. Bachelor housing is not available in Gaeta or Rome. Naval Detachment Gaeta personnel will choose economy housing with the assistance of the Housing Office in Gaeta. Full tour loaner furniture for single and unaccompanied junior personnel (E-4 & below) may be authorized for those assigned to these areas through Single Sailor Loaner Program. Single Service Members who are pregnant and assigned to the Naples or Gaeta area may apply for MFH with certification from the U.S. Naval Hospital, Naples, Italy. Placement is on the two-bedroom waiting list.
NSA Housing Warehouse
Via Della Strazione
(Zona Industriale Aversa Nord)
81030 Gricignano D' Aversa (CE)
GPS coordinates 41.004256, 14.245016
Phone: 081-811-4242
DSN: 629-4242
90 Day Loaners
The Loaner Furniture program, provided by Navy Family and Bachelor Housing provides the basic furniture you’ll need to set up housekeeping while you wait on your own household goods. The Welcome Aboard Package, also contains information about warehouse
You can also use this program when you get ready to leave Italy, so that you can ship your household goods out earlier ensuring that they will be delivered to your next duty station by the time you arrive.
If you’re interested in taking advantage of the Loaner Furniture program, visit any of the Housing offices to make the appropriate arrangements for delivery or pick-up. It’s up to you to request it and make sure delivery and pick-up dates are accurate.
The Loaner Furniture program entitlement ceases upon the receipt of your household goods or 90 days (whichever comes first) and begins 90 days prior to departure. Requests to retain the loaner furnishings
beyond the 90-day period should be made prior to the expiration and must be submitted in writing to the Naples Housing Director.
Partial Full Tour Furnishing
The Partial/Full Tour Furnishings (PFTF) Program allows eligible personnel to receive appliances for the entire length of the tour.
Eligible military personnel, DoD civilians, and DoDDS teachers with a transportation agreement to Naples, Gaeta, and Rome areas are entitled to full issue of PFTF items. Due to limited resources, the availability of PFTF may vary from time to time.
Information on PFTF is available at the Housing Service Center. A counselor will assist you in determining your requirements. The request will be processed when negotiating your housing contract.
Deliveries and pick-ups are scheduled in the morning between 0800 - 1300, and in the afternoon between 1300 - 1600. You are required to be present during your scheduled time frame.
You may call the Housing Warehouse between 1500 and 1600 the day before your scheduled delivery or pick-up to find out if you are scheduled for morning or afternoon. They will not be able to give you an exact time. If you are not at home during your scheduled time frame, you will be charged a redelivery fee of $60. If the appliance is too large for your home or you request delivery of an item after your original delivery, you will be charged a fee of $60 to redeliver these items.
Trouble Calls
FTF repair and trouble calls should be reported to the Trouble Desk at commercial 081-811-4285 or 4286. The sponsor will be required to provide the following information when placing the repair/trouble call:
Name, rank, last four of social Security number, address and telephone number.
Type of appliance requiring service.
Description of problem or failure symptoms.
Date and block of time that repair is desired; morning (0800-1300) or afternoon (1200-1600).
Assurance that someone will be home on the date between times selected.
(Failure to maintain an appointment may result in the member being charged for the cost of the attempted repair call).
Emergency after hours appliance trouble calls will be placed to the NAVSUPPACT Naples Quarterdeck at 081-568-5547. The Duty Officer will, in turn, notify the Facilities Division Director who will call appropriate
personnel to initiate the repair work order, if a refrigerator is out of service, the service order will be treated as an "emergency trouble call" and will be corrected within 3-4 hours of warehouse notification.
Furnishings FAQs
Is it possible to have a Freezer delivered or picked up from my Support Site Qtrs?
The NSA Naples freezer program has been discontinued. With the new Support Site commissary in place the requirement for providing freezers is obsolete.
What are the Warehouse hours of operation?
Monday-Friday 0800-1600
Closed on all Italian holidays
Please note that government-owned or community housing may not be large enough to accommodate large or heavy furniture.
The Navy Lodge facility at the Support Site in Gricignano does not have a kennel. Pets may be housed in local animal boarding facilities during your stay at the Navy Lodge. You may also consider leaving your pet with your sponsor or a friend.
The pet policy in government quarters varies according to location. Government quarters on the Support Site permit spayed or neutered and micro-chipped cats and dogs. Exotic pets, such as snakes, lizards, and spiders are prohibited. There are no exceptions to this policy. It is important you let your sponsor know about your pet requirements prior to your arrival.
If you rent on the local economy, most landlords allow pets - either cats and/or dogs.
AMC Flights
You may bring your pet to Italy with you on Air Mobility Command (AMC) flights on a space available basis.
For additional information and guidelines on AMC pet travel, please contact the Naples Air Terminal
This section provides an overview on the allowances that you can expect while stationed in Naples. For more information, please refer to the Housing Library. Contact your TLA Command Coordinator or visit the link on the Moving & Travel link listing.
Temporary Lodging Allowance
TLA is an allowance issued to offset the cost of living in temporary lodging (Navy Lodge, hotels, etc.) while looking for a permanent residence. TLA is intended to cover only your basic lodging, meals, and incidentals, and is based on Naples’ per diem rates.
TLA is broken into two parts - lodging costs and meals and incidental expenses (M&IE). Lodging has a maximum reimbursable limit. If your lodging costs are less than the limit, you will be reimbursed only for your actual lodging costs. If your lodging costs are greater than the limit, you will be paid only the maximum rate. Any costs beyond the limit are your responsibility.
M&IE is a set rate based on the availability of cooking facilities. If you stay in lodging with no cooking facilities, you will be paid the full rate. If you stay in lodging with cooking facilities, your M&IE is reduced by 50 percent. The Navy Lodge has kitchenettes in every room, so the M&IE is reduced by 50 percent. Regardless of whether your expenses are above or below your determined M&IE rate, you will receive the full amount.
TLA is paid in 10-day increments. Military personnel must present lodging receipts and obtain Housing’s recommendation for TLA approval at the Housing Service Center every 10 days. These claims must then be taken to your command TLA representative for approval. Finally, the Personnel Support Detachment (PSD) uses your TLA claim to compute your reimbursement for lodging and M&IE. PSD will then subtract 10 days worth of your Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS), which you continue to draw while on TLA. Military personnel are authorized up to 60 days TLA when arriving to Naples.
TLA Termination
TLA terminates on the move-in date to quarters. It will also be terminated:
If you do not complete a minimum of 2 showing tours within each 10 day period with the Housing Showing Service or Landlord Representatives.
If you delay, for personal convenience, signing a lease, moving into quarters, and/or delivery of loaner furniture or household goods.
If you go on TAD/TDY or Leave out of the vicinity of your duty station.
If you refuse an offer of government quarters.
TLA extensions for personnel desiring units which are still undergoing construction, needing major repair, or awaiting current residents to move out will not be approved. Extensions beyond 60 days are not automatic. Regardless of the branch of service, all TLA extensions for Naples personnel must be approved by the local TLA authority, Commanding Officer, Naval Support Activity, Naples. Requests for TLA extensions are filed in advance via the Housing Office and your command, and they are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
Emergency TLA:
Active Duty members and dependents:
a. Emergency Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) requests may be authorized when a residence is declared uninhabitable due to earthquake or similar conditions.
b. If a tenant leaves their residence without an order or undisputable evidence of structural/safety risk, the tenant is assuming the financial risk.
c. If the residence is found to be uninhabitable during a subsequent inspection, Emergency TLA may be authorized for the period prior to the inspection
Government Civilian employees:
a. Extraordinary Quarters Allowance (EQA) may be authorized when it is determined that an employee must vacate their residence by direction of government agency or it is deemed that their safety is at risk
b. Requests must be made to the Office of Civilian Human Resources (OCHR), then to the Secretariat for approval
c. If a tenant leaves their residence without an order or undisputable evidence of structural/safety risk, the tenant is assuming the financial risk
1. If emergency assistance is required, please call Emergency Dispatch at 081-568-4911
2. If you think damage has occurred to your residence report it to:
a. Call your landlord, who will schedule the required structural survey
b. Italian authorities may conduct a survey, potentially placing the unit under "evacuation or confiscation"
3. If your residence is placed under "evacuation or confiscation" by local authorities, the current model lease provides the following rights and responsibilities: ** Please thoroughly review your lease to determine whether these provisions are included and applicable in your situation **
a. Requires the landlord to provide lodging in the event the unit is placed under evacuation or confiscation
b. Tenant is authorized to terminate the lease by giving at least 15 days' notice; landlord may be responsible for relocation costs
4. If you are not getting a desired response from your landlord:
a. Call the HSC at 081-811-4466 for further guidance, to help interpret the lease, and provide translation services
b. Contact Region Legal Service Office (RLSO) for legal assistance in utilizing remedies available under Italian law
Overseas Housing Allowance
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) is paid in place of BAH for overseas assignments and is paid to military members who live in privately leased housing at their overseas duty station. Residents of government-leased housing do not draw OHA. OHA helps pay for your housing costs, including rent, utilities, and recurring maintenance expenses. OHA consists of two parts, the rent portion and the Utility and Recurring Maintenance (URM) portion.
The rent portion of OHA is computed on your actual rent up to a maximum, based on your rank and whether you are accompanied or unaccompanied. The rental ceilings do not limit you. If your rent is above the ceiling, you pay the difference out of your base pay. If your rent is less than the ceiling, your allowance will include only the amount you actually pay. The URM portion of OHA is added to the rent portion to help defer the utilities and recurring maintenance costs. You receive the entire amount of URM no matter what your actual utility costs are.
The amount of OHA you receive fluctuates with the dollar/EURO exchange rate. The URM of your OHA is also adjusted as a result of an annual OHA Utility Survey. It’s important to maintain complete records of your rent and utility payments. Keep a file with all of your receipts and a notebook to record all your expenses for repairing and maintaining your house or apartment. If you do, you will have accurate figures to report when it is time for the annual OHA URM Survey. The Housing Office can give you the details about applying for OHA, and the following website has a listing of the current OHA rates and rent ceiling: Defense Travel Management Office | Home (
Advance OHA
This entitlement is to pay your first month's rent and deposit. To apply for this, you need to get the appropriate forms from housing and obtain endorsement from your Commanding Officer/Officer in Charge.
Move in Housing Allowance
Move in Housing Allowance (MIHA) is a one-time payment to help you pay for items such as extra cabinets, wardrobes, rugs, utility deposits, electrical transformers and adapters, screens, and security systems - things you need to make your privately-leased house safe and comfortable. It is NOT paid to members who occupy government-leased quarters. MIHA rates fluctuate according to the EURO.
Cost of Living Allowance
Cost of Living Allowance (COLA) is paid to offset a higher cost of living than in the U.S. It is paid to all service members - regardless of whether you live in government or private housing and whether you are accompanied or unaccompanied - but the amount of COLA you receive depends on your rank, length of service, and number of family members. It helps to pay for things you buy on the economy that are more expensive than comparable items in the U.S.
The COLA index is a percentage that represents the difference between the cost of a “market basket” of goods and services in your area versus the US. For example, a COLA index of 110 means that prices in your area are 10 percent higher than in CONUS. This does not translate into a 10 percent increase in your paycheck, however, because the COLA is calculated on your average spendable income - total income minus such expenses as housing, utilities, taxes, and savings.
Civilian Allowances
Information on Temporary Quarters Subsistence Allowance (TQSA) and Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) is available at the Department of State website.
Civilians are also currently drawing a cost of living allowance and information on this allowance will be provided by the HRO.
Sponsor Programs
Your Command Sponsor Coordinator should be your first link to NSA Naples. He or she will then put you in contact with your departmental sponsor. Your sponsor will then contact you and begin making preparations for your arrival, including making a reservation for you and your family at the TLA. Both your sponsor and Command Sponsor Coordinator can give you information to ensure your transition to life overseas in Naples will be as smooth aspossible.
Keep in mind that your sponsors have been through this experience themselves. They are here to help you and make sure your "settling in" process goes as smoothly as possible. They will be sympathetic to your needs and enthusiastic to help you along the way. For your sponsor to serve you effectively, you must provide him/her with accurate information about you and your family, as soon as possible, including the following:
Address, phone number, and e-mail address
Dates/times/flight numbers for your arrival
Family composition (number of dependents)
Pets you may be bringing
Your sponsor should then contact the HSC so they can find out the current status of government housing availability for you. Almost all PCS personnel arrive in Naples on the CAT B flight, which normally arrives on Thursday. Friday is a check in with PSD for Navy or the financial disbursing officer for other services. Monday through Wednesday is Area Orientation. At this time, applications for driver's licenses are taken, medical/dental records are collected, and sojourners permits are processed (bring your family members). We recommend your spouse attend the area orientation with you. If you have children, please make childcare arrangements. For all NSA personnel, it is mandatory that you attend NSA Indoc the last Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of the month.
Generally, mail takes seven to ten days to reach Naples, so plan accordingly. If you haven't heard back from your sponsor in a reasonable amount of time, contact your Command Sponsor Coordinator immediately.
Common Household Hazards
Being aware of hazards within your home is the first step to prevention. Some types of common household hazards include asbestos, lead paint, mold and mildew, carbon monoxide, and radon. There may also be risks posed by your home's structure and/or household goods, such as falling from a window and furniture not anchored to the wall properly. The informational documents included above help provide information on some common hazards, what they are, where they may be present in your home, and how to prevent or mitigate the hazard.
The most effective way to combat mold is to control the moisture in your home. There are two simple methods to achieve this:
Remove moisture from the air with dehumidifiers.
Increase air flow in the unit to increase evaporation.
The emphasis for dealing with mold focuses on visual inspection and determining the source of the moisture (e.g. water intrusion, plumbing leaks, etc.), and other contributing factors (e.g. temperature, humidity, ventilation, sanitation, etc.). It is important to correct mold and moisture problems as soon as possible through remediation and/or removal of mold contaminated materials within 24-48 hours, cleaning the surfaces, controlling the moisture source, and drying the area completely. A mold's ability to result in health effects and symptoms will vary by the genus/species. No one knows how many species of mold exist, but estimates are 100,000 or more. Individual susceptibility to mold varies widely depending on the species and amount of mold. Therefore, mold sampling and culturing are not reliable in determining an individual’s health risk.
Due to these factors, according to the Navy and Marine Corps Public Health Center, there are no federal health standards for what are "unacceptable" levels of mold in the indoor environment. Therefore, there is no health standard to which mold sampling results can be compared. Further, since most people are allergic to more than one allergen, and most homes have multiple detectable allergens (e.g. pet dander, pollen, dust mites, air fresheners, candles, lawns, plants, trees, etc.), sampling for mold alone is also not a reliable factor for determining health risk.
All mold issues, regardless of species, are treated the same: control the moisture source and remediate the contamination. Mold sampling results do not change this, nor do they provide a reliable indication of health risk. Fortunately, mold is something that can` be combatted.
Naples Housing FAQs