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The 2025 DOD Tenant Satisfaction Survey for all family and unaccompanied Navy Housing is underway. Check your email inbox, take the survey and let your voice be heard!

Welcome to Naval air facility Atsugi Housing

Our mission is to provide housing support for Service Members and their families assigned to Naval Air Facility (NAF) Atsugi.  Our goal is to assist our customers in locating suitable, safe and affordable housing.  We have a range of housing options to meet your needs, whether accompanied or unaccompanied.  


New Resources Available: If you are looking at renting or buying a home in the local community,
there are new resources available on the
community housing page.                                               

Select one of the tabs below or the menu button to begin exploring NAF Atsugi housing. 

Navy Housing Service Center (HSC):

Family Housing
PSC 477 Box 33
FPO, AP 96306-0033

DSN:  264-3795
DSN Fax:  264-3230
Off Base Local:  0467-63-3795
Local Fax:  0467-63-3230
From the United States:  011-81-467-63-3795
Hours:  Monday - Friday:  0800 - 1630, Wednesday:  0800 - 1500

Unaccompanied Housing (UH):

PSC 477 Box 19
FPO AP 96306
Front Desk & Check-in: Bldg 1290

Main Office:
DSN: 264-3440
Off Base Local:  0467-63-3440
From the United States:  011-1-467-63-3440

DSN:  264-4158
Local:  0467-63-4158

UH Manager:
DSN:  264-3791
Local:  0467-63-3791
After Hours Duty BPO:  99-080-2074-2873
Hours:  7:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.



  • Main gate drive along Ranger St to roundabout, bare left onto Halsey Ave.

  • Right turn onto Oriskany St. Keep straight until 4-way stop. Cross Sherman Ave.

  • Continue on Oriskany St until the 3rd parking lot entry on the left-hand side. You have reach Housing Parking lot Bldg 84. 

UH Office
Main Gate: 

  • Proceed straight.

  • Go straight through the round-about.

  • UH BLDG 1290 is located 2 blocks on your right (just past the McDonalds).  Look for the Unaccompanied Housing sign.

East Gate:

  • Take an immediate left up the hill.

  • At the stop sign take a right.

  • Proceed around the flight line.

  • At the 2nd stop sign take a right (blank street)

  • Go down until you reach the round-about and take a left.

  • UH BLDG 1290 will be down 2 blocks on your right (just past the McDonalds). Look for the Unaccompanied Housing sign.

FAmily housing 

Accompanied personnel reporting to NAF Atsugi have the option to reside in government-owned family housing or in the local community.   Check-in at the local Housing Service Center (HSC) arrival to the installation.   The HSC staff will assist with all of your home-finding needs.  

*Please note that the option to live in the community may change without notice. * 

Government-Owned Housing 

The local Housing Service Center (HSC) processes applications and assigns personnel to government-owned family housing.  The HSC is your advocate, and you should contact them with any issues.  For more information about on-base housing for accompanied personnel, including eligibility requirements, visit the CNIC Headquarters Government-Owned Housing page.  

The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) enables Service Members and their families to apply for government-owned family housing prior to departure from their current command, before or after receiving permanent change of station orders.  Visit the CNIC HQ HEAT page to find out more.  

Additionally, you can obtain application forms online, at your nearest HSC, or you can contact the HSC have one mailed or emailed to you. 

Within 3 business days of arrival, check-in to the NAF Atsugi HSC to sign up for the Housing Welcome Brief.   The brief is held weekly for all newly assigned personnel and typically take place on Mondays from 1000-1045.

There is one family housing neighborhood located aboard NAF Atsugi.  If appropriate quarters are not available upon arrival, personnel will be placed on a waiting list.  When a unit becomes available, the Service Member and family will receive a government-funded move from their off-base residence to family housing on base.  Contact the HSC to get the most current projection of housing availability and wait list information. 

Contractor Personnel:  Unfortunately, you are not eligible for government housing or associated issued furnishings and appliances. The housing office will only provide off-based realtor contact information, but housing personnel are unable to assist with the house-hunting process.    

Family Housing Photos & Floor Plans  
Community Housing 

The Housing Service Center (HSC) maintains a current database of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes.  Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability.  The HSC assists with locating off-base housing in the local area, including:   

Off Base Housing Process:

  • Check-In - briefing with housing counselor. You are required to provide the required documentation.

  • House Hunting - There is an available rental listing with house pictures and floor plans at the Atsugi, Housing Service Center located at building 84. All Service members and civilians can work with realtors or landlords to find available housing in the local communities. A list of approved local English-speaking realtors with contact information will be provided during individual counseling briefing.

  • On average, it can take approximately three to four weeks to secure an off-base rental.

  • To ensure your selected home meets Navy housing standards, it will be inspected by the housing inspection team prior to move-in.

  • Processing of all financial paperwork (OHA) & schedule move-in date, appliances/temporary furniture delivery, will occur, once the home has passed final inspection. Civilians are required to process their LQA through their servicing Human Resource Office.

  • Realtors or landlords will provide assistance with utilities connection/disconnect and deposits.

  • Pet Friendly units are limited and have to be approved by Realtor/Landlord prior to occupation.

  • Houses selected outside of the radius as determined by the CNIC Housing Market Analysis will not have Appliances and furnishings delivered, therefore these residents must procure their own furnishings for use.  

Initial Payment Process:       

All newly assigned residents are required to complete any move-in expenses within two weeks from the move-in date, however if you can complete the payment sooner than two weeks or before the move-in date, please do so or contact your landlord.  You must ensure that the realtor or landlord is aware of all actions involved to complete the payment process.  

Private Rental Lease Agreement:

The Navy standard rental lease is a bilingual form, which is a binding private contract between you and your landlord. It includes a military clause in the event the lease must be terminated for military directed or emergency reasons. When entering into private rental lease agreements, many landlords require additional terms to the lease agreement such as; no pets or pets only outside of the house, furnished or only refrigerator provided, renter’s insurance is required etc.

Please do not make any verbal agreement; this may be a disadvantage for you when you move-in or move-out of your home. In addition, all lease agreements must be approved by the Housing Service Center and members are cautioned NOT to sign a lease agreement containing amendment to the contract unless you are fully aware of the contents. In the event you do not understand the lease contract, the housing staff will review the lease agreement with you and your family.

Please understand, that the contract you enter is legal and binding, and if you violate the terms or conditions of the contract, such as purchase a pet or modify the home without the realtor or landlord’s consent, you, the resident, will be held financially liable for any repair; cleaning or renovation services incurred.

Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA), Living Quarters Allowance (LQA), & Cost of Living Allowance (COLA):

For eligible military members, there is a ceiling set for each pay grade based on with or without dependents.


  • OHA – is provided to help offset the cost of “Rent” in Japan.

  • Military members receive a Utility Allowance to help offset the cost of utilities.

  • COLA - paid by military (to military personnel)

  • Civilian members may be authorized Living Quarters Allowance (LQA) when adequate government quarters are not available. The utility allowance is part of the LQA. Civilian employees will receive “Post Allowance” instead of military COLA.  

For all members, once you moved-in to military family housing, you will forfeit the OHA with utility allowance and/or LQA entitlement. COLA and Post Allowance will continue regardless of your home location.    

Costs to Live in Japanese Home:

Local landlords require “four-months” of advance rent. That includes agent’s fee, landlord fee, security deposit, and first month rent. Most homes in the United States, required two-month first month rent, and security deposit. However, the Navy Lease Agreement landlords require “four-months” as move-in expense.

  • Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA), which is agent and landlord’s fee, both are usually one month of monthly rent. MIHA is covered by the Navy and is not reimbursable.

  • The military member will be responsible for the security deposit, and first month rent. Security deposit which is reimbursable upon residence termination. The security deposit amount will be returned to you, if there is no damage to the house at move-out.

  • All military members will also receive “MIHA Miscellaneous” which is paid by government, one-time only to help the move-in preparation cost to your off-base residence (i.e., gas connection, vehicle parking certificate fee at local police department, purchase curtains, carpets, telephone or internet service, etc.).

  • Overseas Housing Allowance, Cost of Living Allowance, and Utility Allowance, Living Quarters Allowance and Post Allowance will help subsidize the cost of living in Japan. Move-in expense can be quite expensive, private rentals range from $1,700 to $3,000 a month. All rent and utility payments bills are paid in “Yen”, the currency in Japan. There are no draft checking accounts in Japan for individuals. If you would like to know more financial information about how to withdraw large amounts of funds and how to make your payments after the occupancy, there are multiple sources to remit payments in Japan. You can ask your realtor, landlord, or a housing counselor during the housing counseling process.

  • For pet owners, landlords may require a pet deposit, which the resident is responsible and usually the amount is one-month rent or less. All pets are expected to be on a leash at all times when outside your residence and you are required to clean up after your pet during walks or at a park. You must be able to control your pets at all times. It is strongly discouraged that children under the age of 10-12 years handle dogs outside, due to the possibility of an incident occurring. Please ensure that you understand and adhere to the terms outlined in your private lease agreement for the benefit of you, your family members, or guests residing in your home.  

Japanese Homes:

Most of Japanese houses off base are small compared to something you would be entitled to in the United States. You may be surprised by the first look, but you will feel comfortable living in a uniquely Japanese style home. Few private rentals exceed 22,000 square feet (sf) and have limited or no storage. One-story dwellings with four or more bedrooms homes are difficult to find. Very few homes have garden, yard space, garage, or more than two-car parking spaces. They are also usually without an attic and basement.

The number of tatami mats determines each room size and are approximately two inches thick filled with rush covered on both sides by woven straw. The standard bedroom has the size of six tatami mats that are approximately 9 x 12 and a larger master bedroom is the size of eight tatami mats 12 x 12. Newer built homes have one or two tatami rooms, other homes are usually hardwood floors, or have carpet. Most homes have narrow doors, hallways, and narrow staircases (i.e., 29-inch wide doors and staircases).

Oversized furniture is strongly discouraged.  In some cases, queen or king-size beds, will not fit upstairs but Japanese movers are very skillful and they will do their best to help move it through the upstairs windows. With the size of the American beds you may feel very cramped utilizing the larger bedding arrangements. Doorframes are often lower, approximately six-feet from floor. The ceiling is approximately eight-feet from floor. Do not bring oversized furniture, major household appliances or too much gear, because it may not fit into the home (i.e., Dining room set with six or more chairs, sectional large couches, piano, etc.). Take advantage of stateside storage.

Closets in bedrooms seldom have bars to hang clothes, and some are called “Oshi—ire” which is divided into upper and lower sections with no place to hang long dresses or coats. One unique bathroom style is the bathtub and shower is in the same room with no toilet, which is called “Ofuro”. Usually there is only one Ofuro space in the some home.

However, you will find some newer homes that have a full bathroom to include shower, sink and toilet space or bathtub, sink and toilet space downstairs or upstairs. Unfortunately, most landlords do not allow dogs in the home. You will have a difficult time finding a suitable off-base house. You should carefully consider bringing your dog or cat until you have obtained adequate off-base housing. Pets are not a consideration for the housing determination process. If you elect to bring your pet and you are unable to obtain housing transportation, kennel expense, and quarantine requirement will become very costly while you are house hunting. Off-base home electric wattage is 100V / 50MHZ and on base wattage is same as the U.S. It is also a Japanese custom to never wear shoes inside any home.

Members with large families having a four or more bedroom requirement are advised that suitable housing both on and off base houses are severely limited. Sponsors in this category should consider preceding the family to Japan to find appropriate accommodations.

The Housing Service Center will provide you a Dwelling Unit Condition Record that will be required for you to complete. You should carefully walk through your home, check for damages or discrepancies on your move-in date, and return the document to the Housing Service Center to file within seven working days. This will avoid future problem refunding the security deposit when you vacate.

As of March 17, 2016, single E-5 and senior personnel are authorized to reside off base with command support and endorsement. You must have at least nine months remaining prior to permanent change of station (PCS).


Unaccompanied Housing

Depending on assignment status (shore duty, sea duty, student, etc.) and pay grade, unaccompanied housing (UH) options at NAF Atsugi include barracks or dorms and housing in the local community.  

Barracks and Dorms 

UH is conveniently located on NAF Atsugi, housing approximately 500 in 2  buildings, 1290 and 986,  which are used to house NAF Atsugi and Tenant Command Permanent Party Personnel in pay-grades E-1 to non-paid E-5's.  All paid unaccompanied E-5’s & above are required to live in the local community and must make lodging reservations at Navy Lodge, Navy Gateway Inns & Suites or local hotels prior to arriving at NAF Atsugi.

Accommodations are one or two persons to a room based on pay grade and square footage.  Building1290 serves as the check-in point.   Linens are provided at check-in.   UH facilities include lounges equipped with televisions, washers and dryers, and vending machines in all buildings.  There are also recreational, fitness, dining, religious, educational and other amenities, most located within walking distance of UH.   Additional information on base amenities is available in the Welcome Aboard package.  

Resident advisors (RA) and geographic bachelors (GB) may also reside on-base.   RAs are senior personnel who provide an after-hours leadership presence to UH residents.   RAs sign a memorandum of understanding, agreeing to certain duties and responsibilities in exchange for a room in UH.   The program is strictly voluntary and open to personnel in pay grades E5 to E9 (E4 with their commanding officer’s recommendation), including GBs.   For more information about the RA program and to obtain an application, please contact the UH Administrative Office. 
GBs are personnel ordered to the installation who, by choice or circumstance, have decided that their dependents will continue to live in another geographic area.   GBs are receiving basic allowance for housing at the with dependents rate.   They are not normally authorized to live in UH; however, there are a limited number of spaces available for them.   GBs must submit an application that will be reviewed by the Assignment Review Board.   If approved, the GB will be placed on the waiting list and offered UH when it becomes available. 

Community Housing 

The Housing Service Center (HSC) maintains a current database of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes.   Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability.   The HSC assists with locating off-base housing in the local area, including:   

Required Documents to live in the Community:  Military Single/Geographical Bachelor

  • PCS Orders

  • Approval of “Request to Move Off-Base Certification / Authorization” and OHA” approval by Command & Housing           

  • Valid POA for your representative if sponsor is absence

Required Documents to live in the Community:  Civilians

  • Housing application DD Form 1746

  • DoD Travel Orders & Transportation Agreement DD Form 1617

  • Letter of Employment if sponsor is absence

  • SF 50 (Notification of Personnel Action)

  • Valid POA for your spouse or representative

Navy Housing Services

The Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) mission is to provide housing support for all families and unaccompanied personnel moving to or departing from the local area.  

Arrival Services:

  • Housing needs assessment

  • Temporary housing information

  • Personalized single-family home, condo and apartment finding assistance

  • Provide rental listings 

  • Verify eligibility and process applications for Military Housing 

  • Maintain military housing wait list

  • Maps and directions of local area

Departure Services:

  • Provide information on housing at your new duty station

  • Process and fax or email housing application packages to your new duty station

Additional Services:

  • Telephones, photocopy and fax machines are available without charge


The HSC's trained professionals can help you choose the right housing to meet your needs. is an official Department of Defense (DoD) website dedicated to helping Service Members, families and DoD civilians find housing. 


Service Members should check-in with the HSC upon arrival at the installation, even if planning on renting in the local community.  The HSC maintains a current database, that is accessible 24 hours a day, of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes.  Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability.  Additionally, the HSC provides lease review services and is your Navy advocate for you and your family when housing maintenance, health or safety issues arise.  For additional information on local community housing, please contact the HSC. 
To list your rental property or update your current listing with the Navy Housing Referral program, visit the CNIC HQ page for  Additionally, the Navy Housing YouTube page has instructional videos on using to create a property manager account and add or edit a property.

Issue Resolution 

Navy HSCs provide support with issue resolution for customers wherever they choose to live, whether in military or community housing. Our issue resolution services are provided to both the tenant and landlord free of charge.

Shipping, Weight Limits and POV  

Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) is responsible for Navy household goods (HHG) and personal property.  NAVSUP provides information and guidance to assist with permanent change of station (PCS) moves and the HHG claims process.  
Additionally, there are several other resources available for Service Members that are looking for information on shipping HHG and privately owned vehicles

Visit the CNIC headquarters Web site to access additional resources for PCS moves

Military member eligibility 

NAF Atsugi stationed personnel with accompanying bona fide family members who have received dependency status and/or dependent entry approval and will reside with the sponsor for nine consecutive months or more each year.  The following are the documents required for you to apply for Military Family Housing (MFH).

  • Housing application DD Form 1746

  • PCS Orders

  • Dependent Entry Approval or Command Sponsorship Approval

  • Detaching Information Report (L20/L01 Activity Loss, from last Permanent Duty Station (PDS))

  • Page 2 (Record of Emergency Data (RED))

  • Marriage Certificate (married after arrival member)

  • Pregnancy Certificate (single pregnant member)

  • Valid Power of Attorney (POA) for your spouse or representative if sponsor is absence

When you apply for MFH, other supporting documents may be required on a case-by-case basis.

Eligibility For Civilians

Required Documents:  Civilians:

  • Housing application DD Form 1746

  • DoD Travel Orders & Transportation Agreement DD Form 1617

  • Letter of Employment sponsor is absence

  • SF 50 (Notification of Personnel Action)

  • Valid POA for your spouse or representative

Advance Application

If you would like to send your application form and required documents in advance, you are more than welcome to do so. We will hold your application and will be activated on a waiting list AFTER you reported to your new command at NAF Atsugi.  Your name will not go on a waiting list until after you have arrived, reported to your new command, and completed the application process with a counselor.

Check-In procedure

Members checking-in in person will be placed on a waiting list AFTER you reported to your new command.  Member, spouse or designated representative with POA must visit the housing office with required documents and see an on-base counselor for applying to the Family Housing waiting list.  The house offer and assignment will be completed with the counselor.   

Members reporting to deployed units:  Application and documents may be made by letter, fax, email or message and by a designated representative with POA.  The application needs to be annotated to show that the unit is deployed.  Members will report to AHSC within 30 days of return from deployment.

Control date & waiting list placement

Military member’s *Control Date will be usually date detached from last PDS, activity loss departure date.  You must apply to the waiting list within 30 days of reporting to your new command in NAF Atsugi.   (*Control date is the effective date of eligibility for MFH).  Control date determines the position on a waiting list and waiting time period.  Older date is better for you and higher position on the list.  If you fail to apply for MFH within 30 days, your control date will be the actual date of application (walk-in date).  You still start at the bottom of the waiting list and you will not be authorized for a government-funded local move from your off-base residence.

Civilian members’ *Control Date will be usually effective date on SF50.  You must apply to the waiting list within 30 days of reporting to your new command at NAF Atsugi.  (*Control date is the effective date of eligibility for MFH).  Control date determines the position on the waiting list and waiting time period.  If you fail to apply for MFH within 30 days, your control date will be the actual date of application (walk-in date) and you will not be authorized for a government-funded local move from your off-base residence.

Availability and estimated waiting time period 

The waiting times are estimates and subject to change daily.  Please call or email us for more information.

House Offer & Assignment

There will be an initial waiting list based on your pay grade and bedroom eligibility.  No preference for location or type/style or the accommodation of dogs will be considered on the first offer of on-base housing.  You will be offered the next available unit at the earliest move-in date unit.  The first offer could be a high-rise for you even if you have a dog.  House offer and assignment are based on your pay grade and family composition listed on your Dependent Entry Approval.  You either accept and move-in or you may refuse the first offer.  If you refuse the first offer, then you will have a preference on a list with same control date.  Second offer will be your preferred type/style from the categories you are eligible for.  If you decline the second offer, your name will be removed or placed at the bottom of the list and control date will be the reapplication date.

Declining the first offer will be the termination of Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA).  Please remember, if you refuse the first offer of on-base housing, TLA will stop after 30 days from the date you signed the refusal paperwork or earliest available date of the unit offered, whichever is later.  Possibly, you will have to pay for the lodging expense from the 31st day until 2nd offer unit’s move-in date or move to off-base housing.    

If you decline the first offer and reside in the local community then when you are moving back to on-base housing, the movement of your household goods is your expense (Self-Move).  

Temporary lodging allowance (TLA)

TLA accrual begins the day the member reports to the new permanent duty station.  Paid TLA begins when member and family report to the new duty station.  Member must check-in to AHSC to submit an application for on or off-base housing to be eligible for TLA after check-in to your new command.  TLA cannot be initiated until after reporting to housing office and receive the on or off-base check-in briefing by counselor.  TLA is normally granted to active duty members with command sponsored dependents and dual military couples.  The purpose of TLA is to help defray the cost of meals and lodging while member is seeking off-base housing.  TLA may be granted for 60 days.  If member declines the first offer of on-base housing, the normal entitlement of 60 days will no longer apply.  Instead, TLA will be terminated 30 days from refusal or the availability date of the unit offered, whichever is later.  However, payment should not be made when sincere effort to obtain private rental quarters has not been made.  TLA is a reimbursable entitlement and paid in 10 day increments.

delay of family arrival after move-in date

Family members must arrive within 30 days from the move-in date, taking possession by head of household.  And also on your move-in date, your housing allowance, BAH, LQA, OHA, TLA will be terminated.

guest policy

Guest stays exceeding 72 hours must be requested in advance in writing for family and friends with the intent of social visits only.  Social visits exclude visits for the purpose of residency, housekeeping, and childcare or care of indigent persons.  Social visits by guests other than dependent family members of military, DoDDS or DoD personnel that are not command sponsored will be limited to 60 days per guest in a 365-day period beginning with the date of the first guest pass issued for each guest.  Requests for visits in excess of 60 days will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis and must be pre-approved by Local/Tenant/Commander, NAF Atsugi.  All requests for visits in excess of 60 days must be in writing from the sponsor/resident, via the sponsor/resident's command and the Housing Service Center.  No guest may be sponsored by a second sponsor/resident in the same 365 day period.  A sponsor/resident drawing any type of housing allowance may visit another MFH sponsor/resident, not to exceed 10 days per 365 day period.  Unaccompanied or bachelor personnel are not authorized to occupy Family Housing.

Japanese nationals or individuals with Japanese resident visas may be a guest in MFH not to exceed 60 days in a 365 day period beginning with the date the first guest pass is issued for each guest.  Guest passes shall not be issued for visitors when the intent of the visitation is to obtain dependency or command sponsorship for the visitor.   Authorization for dependency and/or command sponsorship shall be obtained prior to the intended bona fide family member's entry into Japan.

visitors/guests medical care for financial responsibility

Visitors/Guests who are not registered in DEERS are not entitled to medical care.  In the event of an emergency, visitors may still be referred to a local host nation facility (Japanese medical facility), especially if follow up care is required.  They will be billed as a pay patient.  Additionally, visitors are not eligible for pharmacy services.  Ensure visitors plan ahead and have a supply of medication needed during the visit.  If medication is necessary, the prescription will need to be filled at a host nation facility.  The cost of both emergent care at U.S. Navy Hospital and/or any host nation civilian care is the sole responsibility of the patient or the patient's sponsor.  Visitors should first check with their current insurance carrier to ensure that their policy covers both inpatient and outpatient services overseas.  If there is no such coverage, it is required that the visitor obtain appropriate travel health insurance prior to visiting.  Host nation facilities will require payment in full, in Japanese Yen, at the time services are rendered.   Visitors can then file with their individual insurance company for reimbursement.

All guests/visitors must have medical insurance documentation that shows coverage for a minimum of $100,000 for international travelers to the country of Japan.  Please purchase this type of medical insurance at the airport and/or in your departing country if your current medical insurance does not cover overseas, Japan.

Appliances and Electrical Requirements 

At NAF Atsugi, all government-owned family housing units are furnished with major household appliances (i.e. refrigerator, electric range or stove, clothes washer and dryer, and dishwasher).  
The Housing Service Center (HSC) will provide loaner appliances for off-base housing (refrigerator, four-burner gas stove, washer or dryer, conventional or microwave oven, and transformer) as needed.  Additional utility fees may apply for gas stove connections. Contact the HSC for more information. 


Temporary loaner furniture is issued to accompanied and unaccompanied military and Department of Defense civilian personnel for a maximum of 90 days.  Household goods (HHG) must be in transit to be eligible for loaner furniture.  Furniture is loaned for up to 90 days or until the HHG shipment arrives, whichever occurs earlier.    
Please note that government-owned or community housing may not be large enough to accommodate large or heavy furniture. 


You may have a maximum of 2 registerable pets (dogs & cats) in government quarters.  Cats are allowed in all on-base housing.  Dogs are only allowed on the first two floors of Tower units, Garden Apartment, and Townhouse.  Kennel space is costly, availability is limited, and space for large dogs is few.  All dogs and cats must be registered with the U.S. Army Veterinary Activity, Japan upon arrival.  

Japanese Street Parking 

Japanese residential streets are generally quite narrow can present a problem driving with large American vehicles.  Overnight parking on city streets or local housing neighborhoods is forbidden, and illegal parking in Japan can cause an expensive violation.  Your first parking ticket will cost approximately $150 or more in Yen.  Please ensure you request an accommodating parking space capable to fit your vehicle.  Whether you plan to bring your own car or purchase a car here in Japan.

Housing recommends that you rent a house that comes with at least one vehicle parking space.  Few homes have covered parking, but finding a garage is rare.  If the rental home does not come with a parking space, you should ask your agent or landlord to find the nearest parking lot or lease a parking space in close proximity.  Ask your landlord if you can include the parking space into your house rent, as long as the total amount is under your rental threshold.  Please expect to pay at least $100 to $300 in Yen for your monthly parking space.


Atsugi Housing FAQs

TextDescription automatically generated with medium confidenceHousing Early Assistance Tool

The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) assists Service Members and their families in applying for housing Navy wide.  HEAT allows Service Members and their families to get the housing application process started at one or more Navy installations online before or after they receive their permanent change of station orders.  HEAT is available to any Service Member at all Navy installations.  HEAT creates an easy user experience to connect with your destination.  Spouses can use the application as well, needing only minimal information about their Service Member.  A housing referral professional will be in touch within 2 business days.

Policy, Forms and Resources
Other Information and Links

Moving Resources: 

Housing Allowance: 

Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act: 

School Information: 

Additional Resources: 


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