Navy Housing Service Center (HSC):
Family Housing Welcome Center
Naval Base Guam
Building 3190
Sumay Drive
Naval Base, Santa Rita GU 96915
DSN: 315-333-2087/88
Phone: 671-333-2081/82/83
Hours: Monday - Wednesday & Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Closed on weekends and federal holidays
Unaccompanied Housing (UH):
Chapel Road
Naval Base, Santa Rita GU 96915
Front Desk & Check-in: BLDG SB1 (Next to the MWR Liberty Center)
DSN: 315-333-2284/5
Phone: 671-333-2284/5
Front Gate to HSC: Take Marine Corp Drive and make a right on Sumay Drive to headquarters, building 3190 (next to the Guam Vehicle Processing Center)

Accompanied personnel reporting to NAVBASE Guam have the option to reside in government-owned family housing or in the local community. Check-in at the local Housing Service Center (HSC) during arrival to the installation. The HSC staff will assist with all of your home-finding needs. Within 3 business days of arrival, check-in to the NAVBASE Guam HSC to sign up for the Housing Welcome Brief, mandatory attendance is required please contact the HSC for more information.

Government-Owned Housing
The local HSC processes applications and assigns personnel to government-owned family housing. The HSC is your advocate, and you should contact them with any issues. For more information about on-base housing for accompanied personnel, including eligibility requirements, visit the CNIC Headquarters Government-Owned Housing page.
The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) enables Service Members and their families to apply for government-owned family housing prior to departure from their current command, before or after receiving permanent change of station orders. Visit the CNIC HQ HEAT page to find out more.
Additionally, you can obtain application forms online, at your nearest HSC, or you can contact the HSC have one mailed or emailed to you.
Required Documents for Family Housing
Application for Assignment to Housing (DD Form 1746)
Stamped, checked-in orders
Detaching Endorsement (determines your placement on the waitlist)
Page 2 (Dependency Application/Record of Emergency Data)
Page 13 (Tour Election; Accompanied/Unaccompanied)
Command Sponsored Dependent(s)
Flight Itinerary for Service Member and dependent(s)
Family Housing Areas
There are four family housing areas located aboard NAVBASE Guam.
Harbor View (2 Bedroom Units): E1-E6
North Tipalao (3 & 4 Bedroom Units): Officer and Enlisted
Lockwood Terrace (3 & 4 Bedroom Units): Officer and Enlisted
Apra View (3 & 4 Bedroom Units): E8 and Above
If appropriate quarters are not available upon arrival, personnel will be placed on a waiting list. When a unit becomes available, the Service Member and family will receive a government-funded move from their off-base residence to family housing on base. Contact the HSC to get the most current projection of housing availability and wait list information.
Family Housing Photos & Floor Plans
Community Housing
The HSC maintains a current database of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes. Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability. The HSC assists with locating off-base housing in the local area, including:
- - The properties listed have been inspected, are approved by Navy Housing and are move-in ready. If you are interested in a home on, please contact the HSC with the listing ID # for the property.
Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) and entitlements
Lease reviews
Issue resolution
Move-in or move-out inspections upon request
Short-term rental or lease information
Loaner furnishings
Required Documents for Community Housing:
Unaccompanied HOUSING
Depending on assignment status (shore duty, sea duty, student, etc.) and pay grade, unaccompanied housing (UH) options at NAVBASE Guam include barracks or dorms and housing in the local community.
Barracks and Dorms
UH is conveniently located on NAVBASE Guam, housing sailors in 110 buildings.
Accommodations are one or two persons to a room based on pay grade and square footage. Building SB1 serves as the check-in point. Linens are provided at check-in. UH facilities include lounges equipped with televisions, washers and dryers, and vending machines in all buildings. There are also recreational, fitness, dining, religious, educational and other amenities, most located within walking distance of UH. Additional information on base amenities is available in the Welcome Aboard package.
Resident advisors (RA) and geographic bachelors (GB) may also reside on-base. RAs are senior personnel who provide an after-hours leadership presence to UH residents. RAs sign a memorandum of understanding, agreeing to certain duties and responsibilities in exchange for a room in UH. The program is strictly voluntary and open to personnel in pay grades E5 to E9 (E4 with their commanding officer’s recommendation), including GBs. For more information about the RA program and to obtain an application, please contact the UH Administrative Office.
GBs are personnel ordered to the installation who, by choice or circumstance, have decided that their dependents will continue to live in another geographic area. GBs are receiving basic allowance for housing at the with dependents rate. They are not normally authorized to live in UH; however, there are a limited number of spaces available for them. GBs must submit an application that will be reviewed by the Assignment Review Board. If approved, the GB will be placed on the waiting list and offered UH when it becomes available.
Community Housing
The Housing Service Center (HSC) maintains a current database of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes. Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability. The HSC assists with locating off-base housing in the local area, including:
Click the family housing tab to view more information about Guam community housing.
Navy Housing Services
The Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) mission is to provide housing support for all families and unaccompanied personnel moving to or departing from the local area.
Arrival Services:
Housing needs assessment
Temporary housing information
Personalized single-family home, condo and apartment finding assistance
Provide rental listings
Verify eligibility and process application
Maintain military housing wait list
Maps and directions of local area
Departure Services:
Additional Services:
The HSC's trained professionals can help you choose the right housing to meet your needs. is an official Department of Defense (DoD) website dedicated to helping Service Members, families and DoD civilians find housing.
Home Buying and Selling – In addition to finding a rental property in the community, HSC counselors provide complete, objective and unbiased information on the home buying process. If you are interested in purchasing property, the Fleet and Family Support Center provides information and classes on home buying.
Service Members should check-in with the HSC upon arrival at the installation, even if planning on renting in the local community. The HSC maintains a current database, that is accessible 24 hours a day, of available off-base community rental properties for homes, apartments and townhomes. Housing referral professionals inspect these rental properties for suitability. Additionally, the HSC provides lease review services and is your Navy advocate for you and your family when housing maintenance, health or safety issues arise. For additional information on local community housing, please contact the HSC.
To list your rental property or update your current listing with the Navy Housing Referral program, visit the CNIC HQ page for Additionally, the Navy Housing YouTube page has instructional videos on using to create a property manager account and add or edit a property.
Issue Resolution
Navy HSCs provide support with issue resolution for customers wherever they choose to live, whether military or community housing. Our issue resolution services are provided to both the tenant and landlord free of charge.
Shipping, Weight Limits and POV
Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) is responsible for Navy household goods (HHG) and personal property. NAVSUP provides information and guidance to assist with permanent change of station (PCS) moves and the HHG claims process.
Additionally, there are several other resources available for Service Members that are looking for information on shipping HHG and privately owned vehicles:
Visit the CNIC headquarters Web site to access additional resources for PCS moves.
Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA)

TLA must be submitted to the Housing Service Center (HSC) every 10 days by providing all required documents, commencing form the date of command check-in. TLA will be paid as a reimbursement and not processed in advance.
Documents Required to Process TLA:
Appliances and Electrical Requirements
At NAVBASE Guam, all government-owned family housing units are furnished with major household appliances (i.e. refrigerator, electric range or stove, clothes washer and dryer, and dishwasher). Family Housing has electrical appliances with 110 volts. Standard appliances and power sources to the homes use a US metering system and do not need to be converted, nor will an adaptor be required as in foreign locations.
The HSC will provide loaner appliances for off-base housing (refrigerator, four-burner gas stove, washer or dryer, conventional or microwave oven, and transformer) as needed. Additional utility fees may apply for gas stove connections. Contact the HSC for more information.
Temporary loaner furniture is issued to accompanied and unaccompanied military and Department of Defense civilian personnel for a maximum of 90 days. HHG must be in transit to be eligible for loaner furniture. Furniture is loaned for up to 90 days or until the HHG shipment arrives, whichever occurs earlier.
NAVBASE Guam government-owned family housing allows a maximum of two pets per family. Pets are not allowed in unaccompanied housing. All pets must be registered with the HSC.
Importance of a special power of attorney
If you family is on the waiting list for government housing when a Service Member deploys, please notify the HSC before deployment. If the Service Members give their spouse power of attorney and provide a copy to the HSC before deployment, then a spouse may be able to accept and move into government housing. Providing Special Power of Attorney to a spouse, parent, or trusted friend can help ensure he/she can address whatever needs to be done on a Service Members behalf while away. For more information, visit your legal assistance office or create your own power of attorney online through JAG.
Region Legal Service Office Western Pacific Branch Office Guam
PSC 455, Box 117
FPO AP 96540
COMM: 671-333-2061
DSN: 315-333-2061
Guam Housing FAQs
Off-island houseguest application process
Housing Early Assistance Tool
The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) assists Service Members and their families in applying for housing Navy wide. HEAT allows Service Members and their families to get the housing application process started at one or more Navy installations online before or after they receive their permanent change of station orders. HEAT is available to any Service Member at all Navy installations. HEAT creates an easy user experience to connect with your destination. Spouses can use the application as well, needing only minimal information about their Service Member. A housing referral professional will be in touch within 2 business days.
Policy, Forms and Resources
Other Information and Links
Moving Resources:
Housing Allowance:
Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act:
School Information:
Additional Resources: