Navy Housing Service Center (HSC):
Navy Housing
NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay
PSC 1005 Box 69
FPO AA 34009-0001
Phone: 757-458-4172
DSN: 660-4172
Hours: Monday - Wednesday, Friday: 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Thursday: 7:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Unaccompanied Housing (UH):
Front Desk & Check-in: 1670
Phone: 757-458-4172
DSN: 660-4172
Family Housing
Accompanied personnel reporting to NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay must reside in government-owned family housing. Check-in at the local Housing Service Center (HSC) arrival to the installation. The HSC staff will assist with all of your home-finding needs.
Government-Owned Housing
The local HSC processes applications and assigns personnel to government-owned family housing. The HSC is your advocate, and you should contact them with any issues. For more information about on-base housing for accompanied personnel, including eligibility requirements, visit the CNIC Headquarters Government-Owned Housing page.
The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) enables Service Members and their families to apply for government-owned family housing prior to departure from their current command, before or after receiving permanent change of station orders. Visit the CNIC HQ HEAT page to find out more.
Additionally, you can obtain application forms online, at your nearest HSC, or you can contact the HSC have one mailed or emailed to you.
In order to apply, you are required to have the following:
DD Form 1746 (Application for Assignment to Housing).
Orders – 30 months for Navy and Air Force. 24 months for Marines, Coast Guard and Army.
Certification of bona fide family members. Examples of acceptable forms of documentation are:
For active-duty military: Page 2, REDS, and DEERS enrollment.
For DoD civilians: Copy of marriage license and copy of dependent children’s birth certificates.
Within 3 business days of arrival, check-in to the NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay HSC to sign up for the Housing Welcome Brief.
There are 14 family housing neighborhoods located aboard NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay. If appropriate quarters are not available upon arrival, personnel will be placed on a waiting list. When a unit becomes available, the Service Member and family will receive a government-funded move from their off-base residence to family housing on base. Contact the HSC to get the most current projection of housing availability and wait list information.
Type |
E1-E6 |
E7-E9 |
O1-O3 |
O4-O5 |
O6 |
2-Bedroom |
6-12 |
N/A |
6-12 |
N/A |
N/A |
3-Bedroom |
3-9 |
6-12 |
6-12 |
6-12 |
N/A |
4-Bedroom |
6-12 |
6-12 |
6-12 |
6-12 |
9-12 |
Senior Officer:
Field Grade:
Caravella Point (3/4 Bedrooms)
Evans Point (4 Bedrooms)
Iguana Terrace (3 Bedrooms)
Marina Point (3 Bedrooms)
Marine Site (3 Bedrooms)
Mobile Point (3 Bedrooms)
Paola Point (3/4 Bedrooms)
Radio Point (3/4 Bedrooms)
West Bargo (3 Bedrooms)
Company Grade:
Senior Enlisted:
Family Housing Photos & Floor Plans
Unaccompanied housing
Unaccompanied personnel reporting to NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay must reside in barracks or dorms.
Barracks and Dorms
UH is conveniently located on NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay, housing approximately 1,600 in 3 buildings and approximately 1500 JTF Service Members in 2 diverted housing areas:
Building 1678 provides permanent party billeting for all E1 through E3 unaccompanied personnel
Building 1670 houses all E4 through E6
Building 2147 all E7 through O10. Building 2147 also provides accommodations for personnel temporarily assigned duty under instruction to the station or to tenant commands.
Accommodations are one or two persons to a room based on pay grade and square footage. Building 1670 serves as the check-in point. Linens are provided at check-in. UH facilities include lounges equipped with televisions, washers and dryers, and vending machines in all buildings. There are also recreational, fitness, dining, religious, educational and other amenities, most located within walking distance of UH. Additional information on base amenities is available in the Welcome Aboard package.
Upon assignment to UH, the Building Manager will schedule a time for your UH indoctrination and joint assignment inspection. All of our rooms are assigned in a clean, well-maintained state and are fully furnished. The purpose of the joint inspection is to document the status of the room and furnishings at the time of check-in. During your stay, it is your responsibility to promptly report all maintenance problems and required repairs. When you check out, you will conduct a joint termination inspection with the Building Manager to document the status at check out. Your Building Manager will explain the process during indoctrination.
We have a number of rules and regulations designed to keep the UH community a safe and comfortable place for all residents. You will be provided a copy of NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay’s Instruction [11103.5B], during indoctrination, which explains all of the rules and regulations for the operation of UH. We try to keep the rules as reasonable and unobtrusive as possible and expect everyone to abide by them.
Resident advisors (RA) and geographic bachelors (GB) may also reside on-base. RAs are senior personnel who provide an after-hours leadership presence to UH residents. RAs sign a memorandum of understanding, agreeing to certain duties and responsibilities in exchange for a room in UH. The program is strictly voluntary and open to personnel in pay grades E5 to E9 (E4 with their commanding officer’s recommendation), including GBs. For more information about the RA program and to obtain an application, please contact the UH Administrative Office.
GBs are personnel ordered to the installation who, by choice or circumstance, have decided that their dependents will continue to live in another geographic area. GBs are receiving basic allowance for housing at the with dependents rate. They are not normally authorized to live in UH, however, since (NAVSTA) Guantanamo Bay is a closed base we must house all in accordance with UH regulations. GBs must submit an application that will be reviewed by the Assignment Review Board. If approved, the GB will be placed on the waiting list and offered UH on space available basis.
Navy Housing Services
The Navy Housing Service Center (HSC) mission is to provide housing support for all families and unaccompanied personnel moving to or departing from the local area.
Arrival Services:
Housing needs assessment
Temporary housing information
Personalized single-family home, condo and apartment finding assistance
Verify eligibility and process applications for Military Housing
Maintain military housing wait list
Departure Services:
Additional Services:
Dependent Entry Approval
NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay is a restricted base. There is NO OFF-BASE ACCESS. Dependent Entry Approval (DEA) is contingent upon the availability of housing. DEA is issued by NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay and is required for travel of dependents. Passports are required for travel.
Shipping, Weight Limits and POV
Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) is responsible for Navy household goods (HHG) and personal property. NAVSUP provides information and guidance to assist with permanent change of station (PCS) moves and the HHG claims process.
Additionally, there are several other resources available for Service Members that are looking for information on shipping HHG and privately owned vehicles:
Visit the CNIC headquarters Web site to access additional resources for PCS moves.
There is no storage capability for excess household goods at NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay.
Appliances and Electrical Requirements
At NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay, all government-owned family housing units are furnished with major household appliances (i.e. refrigerator, electric range or stove, clothes washer and dryer, and dishwasher).
The Housing Service Center (HSC) will provide loaner appliances for off-base housing (refrigerator, four-burner gas stove, washer or dryer, conventional or microwave oven, and transformer) as needed. Additional utility fees may apply for gas stove connections. Contact the HSC for more information.
Temporary loaner furniture is issued to accompanied and unaccompanied military and Department of Defense civilian personnel for a maximum of 90 days. HHG must be in transit to be eligible for loaner furniture. Furniture is loaned for up to 90 days or until the HHG shipment arrives, whichever occurs earlier.
Please note that government-owned or community housing may not be large enough to accommodate large or heavy furniture.
Pets are allowed in family housing and are limited to two cats, dogs or one of each. No pets are allowed in unaccompanied housing.
NAVSTA Guantanamo Bay FAQs
Housing Early Assistance Tool
The Housing Early Assistance Tool (HEAT) assists Service Members and their families in applying for housing Navy wide. HEAT allows Service Members and their families to get the housing application process started at one or more Navy installations online before or after they receive their permanent change of station orders. HEAT is available to any Service Member at all Navy installations. HEAT creates an easy user experience to connect with your destination. Spouses can use the application as well, needing only minimal information about their Service Member. A housing referral professional will be in touch within 2 business days.
Policy, Forms and Resources
Other Information and Links
Moving Resources:
Housing Allowance:
Servicemember’s Civil Relief Act:
School Information:
Additional Resources: