Deployment Readiness includes services provided in the areas of deployment support, ombudsmen coordination, relocation assistance, and life skills education. Deployment Readiness has always been and remains the area of highest priority for Navy family support.
Deployment support focuses on:
- Practical preparation
- Emotional aspects of separation
- Supporting children during deployment
- Maintaining communication and closeness during deployment and homecoming
- Successful reintegration of the Sailor into the family and community
Efforts to better reach remotely located families have included use of information technology to provide virtual family discussion groups and workshops, publication of a monthly electronic newsletter, and Family, Sailor and Command IA Handbooks.
Command Ombudsmen are trained volunteers who serve as a vital two-way communication link between command leadership and family members. Ombudsmen provide personalized support and guidance to families in adapting to the challenges of a mobile military lifestyle and extended operations necessary to meet the Navy’s maritime strategy.
There are currently more than 2,200 registered Navy Family Ombudsmen. Fleet and Family Support Centers provide training, consultation, coordination and support to Ombudsmen.
Navy Fleet and Family Support Centers also support the development and sustainment of Family Readiness Groups (FRGs). These groups enhance preparedness by providing an informal and less structured opportunity for family members to meet on a regular basis for camaraderie, companionship, and support. They plan family activities during deployments, mentor new family members and assist families in times of crisis.
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Updated 3 February 2025